No, not vamp. -1 health regen penality for +14% or +15% dmg. Boards and auctions have all sorts of 15/-10awa, 15/-5e and 15/-1 e-gen items, but no 15/-1 h-gen. There is a market for these. PvP players "need" them since they get stuck in the ground in the GvG maps so frequently. A vamp mod is applied and they are used to degen to death so they respawn at the res shrine and are freed from the ground. Req doesn't matter. Dmg range doesn't matter. Dmg modifier doesn't matter. Mods don't matter, although vamp would be nice since it will be applied anyway.
Stop merching these and sell them. There is a market.
Stop merching/salvaging weapons w/ built in health degen!
I'll buy them all for 1k
While there may be a market, for me at least, these people seem to be in hiding. I have yet to sell one -1 degen weapon.

-1 degen? PSSSHHH. At least it'll keep that monk from going afk out of boredom.
never dropped such a weapon. but then it may just be my usual luck...
If pvp players "need" these so much why dont they go and loot one for themselves?
if its getting stuck your worried about, well, its not that hard to pickup vamp weapons, I fail to see the point of this.
Any pvp player serious enough will most likley have a pve character upto scratch, with a wide range of armors weapons and items.
Any pvp player serious enough will most likley have a pve character upto scratch, with a wide range of armors weapons and items.
Why would people go out of their way for these when you could just grab a vamp weapon? I have a guildmate that just popped some Victo's Swords on some of her chars since she's had some get stuck before (well, in PvE, but I don't see what difference it makes). The only reason I would see a person wanting something like that over vamp would be because it is cheaper, in which case, it's no worth the trouble to even put an auction up for since crappy vamps are available dirt cheap as it is.
Caelus The Fallen
I think the idea is to die twice as fast, using a degen weapon with a vamp mod on it for -2 degen. Handy if the 2 minute mark is fast approaching and you want to die quickly.
I'll sell whatever the hell I want to the merchant. In fact, now I'm going to make sure any -1 mods it get go straight to the merchant. How do you like them apples?