Okay, we are a relatively new guild. I started it because I told people at my school about it, and they bought it. I started it, and now we are a rather wimpy guild, but we are friendly! We have a website, which is pretty cool
Our website is here: www.freewebs.com/doomsith
All of us are lvl 9 or higher, not much, but hey, we have lives!
We just acquired a rather cool guild cape, that fits our name perfectly. Dragon Swords and a Guild Hall are next on the list.
Message me in game at Darth Carth.
If I am not on, email me, my address is on the website.
Or you can IM me on Yahoo! at relientk_fan_11.
Join our guild! Have fun! Your Doom is near, the Sith are here!
Doom Sith[DS]