Voting to kick...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Firstly i'm sure this has been discussed before, and i'm not doubting someone hasnt came up with this exact idea before... But here we go.

I'm sure at one stage or another we've all came across some prat in your party who isn't helping, and you'd just wish they'd go away... Wether it's leeching in UW/FoW/Tombs, harrassing other players, being a general prat or going out his way to ruin the mission(eg holding a beacon torch, and refusing to light the last beacon until he's paid 2k from each member)

Leaving the party would be an option... But why should we have to leave and start over again because of some idiot? That's why i think we need some booting system implemented... I've been thinking of how it could be included, and how it would work. With your input i reckon we could come up with something that would really help.

First idea i came up with was the party leader having a special command... Sounded good at first but after careful consideration i relised the only thing that would do is create fights over who gets to be party leader...

Then i thought about a way that everyone in a party has an equal say... Someone could nominate a player using a '/boot insert name here' command... As that happens the other 6(less pending on max party) players have the ability to vote yes or no('/boot' to vote yes and not reply to vote no) Their would be a time limit obiviously and pending the outcome of the number of votes at the end of the time limit or if it was straight 'X'-0 vote, the nominated player would either be kicked or remain in the party.

There's also draw backs to this such as in UW for example... If a player got an Ecto drop, the other players might react harshly and kick him before he gets it... Which would be extremely unfair. So if the item is reserved at the time of kicking, the player should get the 'unclaimed items box' that appears after mission completetion. There's also some debating wether this would need to be implemented outside of dungeons and missions... But it'll let you guy discuss the pro's and con's of that.

Now i've hope that i have worded that so it's easy enough to understand, and i would love to hear what you think.



of Brackenwood

Join Date: Oct 2005

Ontario, Canada

Originally Posted by Nestaron
Firstly i'm sure this has been discussed before, and i'm not doubting someone hasnt came up with this exact idea before...
And yet, here you go.

Yes it has been brought up many times. Everyone in Sardelac is encouraged to avoid posting threads on the same topics that have been previously been discussed. It's even in our Index of Ideas already, so you can't plead ignorance. Our search feature would have revealed a few threads such as this one on the subject.

Do not post new threads on an old subject, especially when you know previous ones exist.