With nightfall on our heels 2 new classes are coming and personally I’m excited about the paragon but the dervish…eeeehh not so much.

What would your reaction be as a GW player to c an Engineer class come into play.

Imagine this if u will a class that works on the trapping ranger principle building temporary things such as siege weapons...barricades...defense structures, ?turrets? and ?walls?.

Of course there are some problems...a full group of these guys would b kind of annoying in something like HOH or Alliance battles. There would probably have to b a limit to 1 engineer per 4 people in a party...but with things like the 5 hour dreaded elite missions I wouldn’t mind 3 siege turrets to take out the enemy.
I guess I’m a dreamer but tell me what u thing and any other character concepts u guys dreamt about.
Cheers 4 now