what r the top ten best PvE builds?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

same as the title what the top ten best PvE builds?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

for an assassin or necromancer


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

ok for monks/rangers/ritualists?

Ulivious The Reaper

Ulivious The Reaper

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Shadowed Assassins


Warrior- Frenzy+ Healing signet or Healing hands+ Echo Mending

ritualist- spirit spammer, works out best for everyone int he group

Monk- any healing build oyu find best on energy and best on healing

Ele- Meteory shower ftw?

Ranger- barrage/pet

Assassin- i mean seriously, who plays assassin aside to get ran through the game to get that cool 15k kurzick dyed black?

Necro- Mm/Bip/Order/corpse consumer

Mesmer- E~Denile

so really thats not what you asked i guess, but it is kind of



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Hotman, you still need to mention what you want to do with the character. You can't get the best builds of something that you don't know what you want. What you want does not consist of classes, it consists of what you want to kill.

Ulivious The Reaper

Ulivious The Reaper

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Shadowed Assassins


Warrior/monk with sever artery, gash and final thrust, and rest are as you wish, note, don't bring frenzy tho, and always have a rez



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Ulivious The Reaper
Warrior- Frenzy+ Healing signet or Healing hands+ Echo Mending

ritualist- spirit spammer, works out best for everyone int he group

Monk- any healing build oyu find best on energy and best on healing

Ele- Meteory shower ftw?

Ranger- barrage/pet

Assassin- i mean seriously, who plays assassin aside to get ran through the game to get that cool 15k kurzick dyed black?

Necro- Mm/Bip/Order/corpse consumer

Mesmer- E~Denile

so really thats not what you asked i guess, but it is kind of
Warrior- um, echo mending? What is the point of echoing mending??? I'd say any build that lets take lots of damage, and if possible, deal a lot also.

Ritualist-Ya, usually spirit spammer, or sometimes be another healing by going restoration

Ele-ehh, seems like echo+meteor shower and meteor is almost expected from a ele or something

Ranger-B/p, trapper, interupter, and something else I can't think of

Assassin- just about everyone I know accually plays assassin because it is fun and really strong if used right. By used right, I mean having a few combo skills and enough teleports to be able to tele to the enemy/enemies you are targeting, deal loads of damage, and then when your health gets low, teleport back out before you die and just wait away from the enemies and recover health. Then repeat.

Plus, I already have the best looking assassin armor there is (in my opinion) and I just got to kainenge, so some people don't even want that kurzick armor you mentioned.

Necro-What you said plus SS. Don't forget SS! It's my favorite necro build so far!

Mesmer- Just about anything. There is anti-casting, anti-mele, super-degen, anti-energy, interupt, and more (I think there is more at least).

To the OP, there really isn't ten most popular builds. Its really more like classes are accepted for using builds I said above, and more are slowly being made and accepted too.


I forgot monk...

Monk- Healer (heal as much as possible with as few as possible energy problems), prot, boon healer (more common than healer, but makes you have an enchantment on you), and bonder.

Oh and there really isn't a most well rounded build for most classes (I think monk is really the only exception). It really just depends on where you are for what builds to use. For example a mm is uselss in a place where the enemies don't leave corpses when they die, but then if you are in a area where there are a lot of enemies that remove hexes, then SS isnt that good. And if there is a lot of interupts, then a ele using long cast spells like meteor shower isn't good.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


N/A and proud of it!


First off let me start by saying I really don't like you. The kind of person who buys a game simply to beat it and is looking for the quickest way through without an effort. That being said I'll post some helpful non-descript info for most beginners, not to you directly(whom I hate).

You cannot simply ask what is the best build in the game, for that question there is no answer. Keep in mind this is a socially designed game not really ment for solo play(though it is capable of it), it's more about the combinations of characters to form the "prefect" group. What is often best in your case is to limit the choises by finding a class you like and asking about builds for said class. To simplify this task I've come up with a very basic overview of the classes and their role in pve.

Monks: General healers and maintainer of other people's health, may use smiting to deal holy damage, very useful Ingame and in high demand.
*Not recomended for solo play

Ranger- Often used to "pull" enemies towards the party, powerful ranged damage, evasive skills a plenty, effective user of traps and is the only class to use animal compainons.

Mesmer- Uses illusions and various types of mind control to monitor the flow of energy in himself and enemies as well as a masterful array of hexes to stop most characters dead in their tracks.
*Not recomended for beginners

Necromancer- A well balanced character used to boost allies, create minions, exploit corpses for hp and damage, call upon a wide armoury of conditions and hexes to deal high damage to the enemy.

Assassins- Very strong in 1v1 combat; uses a wide array of skills from enchantments to hexes, conditions to elemental spells. Master of hit and run tactics, uses a unique "combo" system allowing him to link skills in quick succession.
*Not recomended for beginners

Elementalist- Highest single spell damage of all classes, capable of destroying large amounts of enemies at once and draws upon enchantments and wards to give bonuses to themselves and allies.

Ritualist- Calls upon the spirits of the dead to boaster allies, modifies weapons for a limited period to provide better stats and summons up the ashes of fallen heros to call upon their strength.

Warrior- Entirely useless...

And there you have it a complete listing of the pros of all classes (I'll leave the cons for you to discover). I do hope that you take this info in and maybe read the manual to come up with a more informed question for us to enjoy later.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


For those that are curious about a Warrior Echo Mender, may I recommend a .jpg?


And, Opeth11 is correct. You REALLY need to say what you want to do rather than ask "What's the best?" There is no overall best in GW. My Charr farming build works great, but wouldn't be able to, say, run the FoW or beat the game. Not without a LOT of luck and some REALLY good backup. Because I'd be all but worthless.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



for people who play a game just to get to the end, but not actually enjoy it's content, I say play another game. I'd like to get a second on this: this game is easy to beat but difficult to master. It's all about the in between stuff, not just getting a droks run then afking while your teammates finish the game for you.
I think you'd be better off playing a Zelda game.

Dr Strangelove

Dr Strangelove

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Dec 2005

Wasting away again in Margaritaville


Agreed with Vitis, all the fun in this game is making new builds and trying them out. If you can't be arsed to do that, well, why are you playing?