Psychic Instability + Trapper's Focus glitch?
If you have Trapper's Focus in effect, and become hexed with Psychic Instability, any attacks (wand/staff/melee) to you, while you use a trap will cause a knockdown. This is a very cheap way to dispense trappers, but I would like someone else to confirm this before I report.
If that is happening, it shouldn't be. Report it.
It does appear to be a bug as Trappers Focus should require that you be hit by an actual interrupt, rather than just hit, for the knockdown to occur.
I'm curious, where exactly did these two skills see play the same time ? Its definitely a bug, though by no means a gamebreaking one.
This is Brad
Regardless as to it ever seeing playtime, it should still be fixed as the knockdown should only be triggering if a real interrupt is used on the trapper -not a wand or physical attack.
Former Ruling
Yea, its just glitch if its happening.
See, Traps are normally interupted on every hit (wands and otherwise) so P.I would knock them down on every normal hit, but Trapper's Focus makes it not interupted on normal hits, but it seems when P.Instab. does its check for interupts, it doesn't factor in Trappers Focus (if this is happening)
See, Traps are normally interupted on every hit (wands and otherwise) so P.I would knock them down on every normal hit, but Trapper's Focus makes it not interupted on normal hits, but it seems when P.Instab. does its check for interupts, it doesn't factor in Trappers Focus (if this is happening)