Guild Wars Chapter x: Stone Cold
Continent of Acitcratna
Here is a background summary of the continent.
Due to recent freak chill in the climate the great continent north of Tyria, Acitcratna, has all been covered in ice. So much of the land in fact that the people have divided the land by two names,the melted land and the tundra. There is an unspoken area which can only be seen at the top of the mountain, so high that some say you can see the gods themselves. Locals mostly dismiss this saying “They are probably out of their mind, no food or oxygen can do that to a person.” Many arcanist are beginning to fear the sudden temperature change maybe by an immense evil, which power rivals that of gods. It will take the bravest of the brace from all forms of life to combat this new threat.
Unfortunately supplies will be short, the further the journey the less at hand. Not simply due to the harsh weather, but the icebergs too. The only safe dock in at the end of the melted land, which is to warm for ice, but too cold for sea monsters. Now is not the tie for talk, but a time for action question is… will you be a part of the solution, or will you simply run as so many have.
The 2 new professions linked to this great land:
The Hunter
To help combat this new threat two new defenders have risen up ready to combat the new evil.
The first to step up was actually due to anger when the water froze and icebergs emerged. The fishermen became outraged, unable to fish anymore. They began to learn to hunt while they could. While doing this with the only tool they had, a harpoon, they became skilled at fencing their prey in order to make sure they didn’t get hurt, and to make sure their comrades made it home safe.
Armed with a harpoon at hand this fighter focuses not only on lunging it through enemies, but also to protect allies.
The Witch Doctor
[The Witch Doctor lives by the fact they never stop moving anymore, to help their allies, and the fact if they stop they will probably freeze to death.]
The rest of whom who decided to fight used to be doctors and therapists, they use their hands to help allies and punish foes. They lost most of their business when everyone fled and due to the fact the “harpoon wielding crazy people “Seem to fight protected by the gods. As they seem to not get hurt even by cold that would freeze a volcano.
This Witch Doctor of sorts seems like a dopple ganger, the weapon of choices resembles a normal doll, but be warned, be sure not to look on too long or you will suffer a curse for a lifetime. It will certianly take much magic and skill to not only face evil, but to simply face the cold which the which doctor has never really liked.
So will you stop this “evil” before an apocalyptic disaster consumes the entire planet, or will you sit back and pray to grength that you may die drinking too much before it happens?
So anyway, what do you think? Just got the idea yesterday while I was sleeping
My concept for a guild wars chapter.
unholy guardian