Originally Posted by Cymmina
Unlike you, I've played extensively on both sides. There is no "closer", the quarry locations are exactly equidistant for each team (which you would know if you used your map). There's 1 close quarry, one quarry that's average, and one far quarry. Both teams share the average one.
First off, do not assume anything about anyone on the internet. I've played both sides of Jade Quarry extensively as well, because unlike the "mapping leavers" I actually wanted to participate while getting my map uncovered. Afterwards, I came back because I found Jade Quarry fun and kept playing the arena. Please do not put degrading comments into your posts.
Second, the quarries may be equidistant from the bases, but the teleporter locations are not. In my experience, Kurzick teleporters deposit players closer to far quarries than the Luxon ones.
Originally Posted by Cymmina
Also, the run to Quarry is not that hard, compared to running to any other area in the forest. You end up half way there anyway doing the art supplies quest, the rest of the way can be made without fighting at all.
We're talking about the
run from House Zu Heltzer to Jade Quarry here. Art Supplies is a quest that terminates in the NW corner of Melandru's Hope. The Supplymaster quest starts just outside House Zu Heltzer and ends just outside Lutgartis Conservatory. While the supply quest may indeed be runnable (as many faction farmers can attest), it is by no means as easy to run from House Zu Heltzer to Lutgartis Conservatory as it is to run from Cavalon to Breaker Hollow. On the Luxon side, all you have to deal with is Syphon Speed from the Creeping Carps and the occasional Scorpion Wire from the Oni. On the Kurzick side, Crippling Anguish and traps are sure to put more of a dent in the runner.
Jade Quarry is much farther from House Zu Heltzer because you have to first traverse Ferndale diagonally SE and then Melandru's Hope diagonally NE. Additionally, the few people who do make it to Lutgartis Conservatory often choose to stay there, farming the scouting quest just outside instead of continuing to Jade Quarry. Getting to Jade Quarry requires a lot more effort on the Kurzick side than on the Luxon side, which is why I still see people offering runs (and give them myself with my R/W) in Cavalon, but House Zu Heltzer never has anyone spamming "Running to Jade Quarry."
Originally Posted by Cymmina
Whenever I play (which is often), the shortage is almost always on the Luxon side. Kurzicks prefer to play Quarry because the map is fair.
Do you play in the evenings, when Jade Quarry does see a population increase on the Kurzick side? During the day, Jade Quarry is a ghost town, and the Kurzick side never has more than about 3 players even if there is a full Luxon team waiting. The Luxon team never waits long, though, and always disbands to go back to Aspenwood.
Besides, it's much easier to get more people to come to Jade Quarry on the Luxon side. All you have to do is go to Fort Aspenwood and mention that Jade Quarry has a Kurzick team waiting, and you're guaranteed to have someone move over. The Kurzick characters don't have this freedom because Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry are much harder to reach on the Kurzick side, so people give up on reaching Jade Quarry once they already have Fort Aspenwood.