Auction Npc In-Game
I think there should be an Npc in Lion's Arch, Kaineng, and Temple of Balthazar, Where you can put in only Golds and Greens, and it self-categorizes, and you can still put on Bid Time, Minimum Price, Buy Now Price, etc. Also to make the transaction, the Game could do it automatically, or simply notify the name of the winning bidder to msg and trade manually, or even better, when the highest bidder wins, he puts in money, the person with items is notified, then he goes to Npc, accept the money, and the item is then available to be taken from the Winning bidder. Please give Suggestions and/or Sign for yes, Not-Signed for No
Already posted in much more detail, second thread from the bottom of the first page at the time of this post.
Detailed Proposal for an Auction House System
Detailed Proposal for an Auction House System