Help plz

Tyson Dragonheart

Tyson Dragonheart

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

British Raiders (pain)


hey when ever im playing guild wars every time i go to a different town/outpost/ouside i have to go into options and click the graphics up and down because the floow and everything all blocky cant really explain i have 448 mb of ram i need help


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



Sounds like either a directx problem, or your videocard/CPU/ammount of memory isnt realy up to the task.

The in game options (the slide) does not actualy change anything to your computers settings, but just changes the amount of detail that is send to the CPU and then by the CPU to the videocard. Resulting in a higher or lower load on your systems resources.

448MB is not enough, i have 512Mb and i need to be sure i kill any programs i do not realy need if i want to be not all choppy. And even then, when i enter Ascalon, with loads to load i have down to 1 frame a second for the first 5 seconds.

So what you must do is try to not run any other programs in the background, quit MSN, word, your E-mail program, and all that.

This is asuming you have a "reasonable computer", it can not be hard (rediculously easy even) to beat my specs. Celeron 2000, 512Mb RAM, Ati RX9250 Videocard (Cant realy get a cheaper card then this if you want it to have 256 MB of RAM) and running W2K-pro.

If your specs. are even lower then mine its simply a matter of asking a Elephant to ride a bike. No pun intended. ^_^

Tyson Dragonheart

Tyson Dragonheart

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

British Raiders (pain)


i do i quit every thing apart from my AVG virus protection ive even tried reinstalling gw and direct x


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



Ok asuming you meet the specs i mentioned, have you tried updating the drivers for your videocard? Is there no spyware to be found? Is gw the only "heavy on system" programm you have this problem with? If not, have you tested this since you have this problem with GW?

Then if you find that other heavy games now have the same problem, it may well be a videocard overheating or on its deathbed.

If any of this doesnt help, i realy cant think of anything else then what you already did.

Hope you get it to work ok.

Tyson Dragonheart

Tyson Dragonheart

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

British Raiders (pain)


k ill try everything i can but i dont have this problem with any other heay games



Tech Monkeh Mod

Join Date: May 2005

Good Old North East of England


Post your full computer spec's, it will be much easier to help you

Tyson Dragonheart

Tyson Dragonheart

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

British Raiders (pain)


lol noob question where are they