This is just an idea I had last night, what if the realms of the gods (UW, FoW and any future realms) were fought for in separate halls?
Rather than just the Hall of Heroes you could have the Hall of Grenth, the Hall of Dwayna etc with entry to each realm linked to whichever region is holding the relevant hall at the time.
This would mean that even if your region isn't holding the UW hall, there's still a chance you could have access to FoW if your region was holding that hall. This would obviously work better if they introduced more realms of the Gods (or maybe tie in the elite missions?) but at least favour wouldn't be an 'all or nothing' deal.
I know a lot of people want the tie between PvP and high end access severed but if ANet want access to remain linked, I think this could work.
Just thought i'd throw it out, what do you guys think?
Separate Halls?
Vel Satis
there is barely enough team to keep 1 hoh running figure 2
How would this be implimented?...
Originally Posted by Vel Satis
This would mean that even if your region isn't holding the UW hall, there's still a chance you could have access to FoW if your region was holding that hall.
Besides that, how is this supposed to work ? You have 2 HAs or something ?
Vel Satis
Haven't really thought about the implementation that much but I figure the system could just run as it is at the moment and when you enter the first battle it randomly assigns your team to a 'track' leading to one of the halls. The assignment of the teams to certain tracks could be weighted depending on the number of teams competing for each track.
This is an interesting idea but I fear it would definately not work :P
I like the favour the way it is.
BTW Sardelac Sanitarium FTW
I like the favour the way it is.
BTW Sardelac Sanitarium FTW
Originally Posted by Vel Satis
Haven't really thought about the implementation that much but I figure the system could just run as it is at the moment and when you enter the first battle it randomly assigns your team to a 'track' leading to one of the halls. The assignment of the teams to certain tracks could be weighted depending on the number of teams competing for each track.
Well, as fallot has already said, the region where it is "primetime" will almost always have Favor regardless, so it doesn't matter that much, however, I think that this could be interesting.
Maybe an entirely different Hall of Heroes map, in addition to entirely new maps to get there. Won't be a fix to the Fame Mechanic, but it might make HA more playable... As it is now the maps and objectives entirely suck...
So, what the hell /signed if it will get us new HA maps that don't entirely suck.
That would be horrible =/ America has a tough time getting favor these days and how much fun would it be if you finally got favor, but wait!!! You only earned favor to FoW. No UW for you tonight! BWAHAHAHA! And plus on the rare occassion that Japan or someone gains favor, it would be very unfair for them that they can only experience one place; not to mention if you're trying to collect ectos and shards without buying them....
heh are u saying having 2 if not more halls battles ate once? thing about the green text spam!!! ahhhhhh