Weekend lag, is it just me?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006


For a few weeks now (ever since they started doing the events) i've been experiencing frankly ridiculous lag at the weekends, so much that it becomes unplayable. During the week the game runs perfectly.

I do know the difference between my system slowing and actual lag, and I can safely say its not my pc.

Just ran the guild wars with the -perf tag to see just how slow it is. Turns out my dsl connection cant even manage the same speeds as a 56k modem to the guild wars servers! (about 500bytes/sec)

I know it could be my isp, but doing other things on the net is fine. Downloads at high speed, opens web sites at its normal rate etc..

I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing lag like this, it does make sense that it would lag more at the weekends when the servers are busy, but it shouldnt be to this extent (plus it never used to be).
