- Chi Master Concept Class -
- Chi Master -
Chi Master is a class that offers good support to both a melee fighter, as well as magic caster. They have a nice list of skills and primary to help them heal them self. Chi Orbs, a new form of charge ups, can become a devastating weapon, as well as helpful aids. They could uphold long stance, as well as apply conditions. Staff mastery enable caster to better use their staff.
Look of Ancient Chinese Kung-Fu master. Usually in robes.
Around 65-70AL, 30-35 energy, 3 regen.
Most of Chi Master’s skill does not need to use any particular weapons, thought many need to be at touch range. They can go bare hand if they want, thought can also give better use to other weapons, depend on your sub class.
There will also be a new weapon type, War Staffs. Instead of magical range, those will be use in melee range with Blunt damage. 2-handed, have about 10-18 damages all around, and usually with +X energy and +X AL mods.
Meditation: For each rank in the attribute (3 points per rank), you will gain 1 arrow of regen in HP or energy. But it only come in effect when you are at “Rest”, which mean will only felt the effect if you have not move for more than 5 seconds. (but you can be attacking, casting, or other attacking you, as long as you remain still)
Rank 1: 3attribute points: +1 HP arrow
Rank 2: 6attribute points: +1 Energy arrow
Rank 3: 9attribute points: +1 HP arrow
Rank 4: 12attribute points: +1 Energy arrow
Rank 5: 15attribute points: +1 HP arrow
So at Rank 4, I would gain +2 HP regen and +2 Energy regen whenever I stand still for 5 seconds.
-Chi Orb– (see below at skill example)
-Stance Style- (see below at skill example)
Meditation (Primary): For each range in this attribute, will increase arrow of regen when at Rest. Also enable you to have more Chi Orbs.
Chi Mastery: Skills dealing with generating and using of Chi Orbs. Use of improve attack, finishing moves, direct damage, as well as defensive and healing purpose.
Ancient Art: Skills in Pressure Points and Style Stance. One is hex-similar in applying conditions and negative effects, and the other is passive stance.
Staff Mastery: Skills in attacking and defending when wielding a Staff weapon.
Meditation: Skills that help you heal your self, as well as energy/chi management.
Moving Mediation
10e | 1c | 30r:
For the next T seconds, you are counted as in rest even if you move.
Refresh Body
10e | 2c | 30r:
For the next 5 seconds, you gain +X HP regen, and remove any conditions on you at the end of this skill. This skill end prematurely if you move.
Soft Mind
10e | 2c | 30r:
For the next T seconds, you gain +X Energy regen when you are at rest.
Chi Mastery:
Chi Orb: They are used to provide power to your chi skills. You can gain them in several ways. They will float around your character. Each orb will last for 30 seconds. You can have 4, and up to max of 8 (with 12 points in to the primary attribute) chi orb around you at one time.
Energizing Chi
10e | 1c | 10r:
Create a Chi Orb. You are easily interrupted when casting.
Gather Chi
5e | 2c | 20r:
Create a Chi Orb. You are easily interrupted when casting.
Aggressive Chi
4 A | 1/2c | 0r:
Create a Chi Orb.
Body Chi
10e | 1c | 15r:
Scarifies 10% HP, create a Chi Orb.
Re-flow Chi
10e | 1c | 20r:
Each Chi Orb you have right now will extend their duration by another 20 seconds.
Chi Strike
5e | 1/2c | 10r:
Consume a Chi Orb on next strike, dealing extra X damage.
Grand Chi Burst
10e | 1c | 30r:
Can only be use if have more than 3 Chi orb around. Consume All Chi Orb on next strike, and you deal X damage for each orb consume this way.
Chi Ball
5e | 1 1/2c | 10r:
Can only be use if have more than 2 Chi orb around. Range Attack. Consume 2 Chi Orb to, you deal X damage afar, and knockdown the target.
Chi Shield
5e | 1/2c | 20r:
Consume one Chi Orb, you block all attacks and avoid all spells cast against you in the next 3 seconds, but you can not attack, cast, or move in that duration.
Consume Chi
5e | 1/2c | 10r:
Consume a Chi Orb, healing your self for X HP.
Recharging Chi
5e | 1/2c | 10r:
Consume a Chi Orb, gain you Y Energy.
Ancient Art:
Stance Style: Will be counted as a Stance. But unlike other stance, it is more like an enchantment. Stance Style usually grant a weaker effect, but with long lasting duration. Can only have one at once (but can use other stance while holding the style). Knock down will break it.
Strong Ox Style:
5e | 1c | 20r:
For the next 120 seconds, when holding this style, you gain +X more HP, and gain +Y more attack power.
Insightful Owl Style:
5e | 1c | 20r:
For the next 120 seconds, when holding this style, you gain +X more energy and 20% faster in casting, but loose Y AL.
Chi Flow Style:
5e | 1c | 20r:
For the next 120 seconds, when holding this style, you gain 1 Chi Orb for every 30 seconds.
Drunken Style:
5e | 1c | 20r:
For the next 120 seconds, when holding this style, you have 25% to evade melee attack, but also have 25% chance of missing your attack. You also attack 10% faster.
Pressure Point: Line of skills that is similar to hex, but usually will only have delay effect if target full fill some sort of condition.
7 Step Exploding Heart
10e | 1c | 30r:
Must be apply at touch distance. Within the next 5…10 seconds, if target foe were to take more than 7 steps, he will suffer Bleeding, Deep Wound, and Cripple for another T seconds.
Death Walk of Internal Burst.
10e | 1c | 30r:
Must be apply at touch distance. Within the next 5…10 seconds, each step that the target foe took is calculated. When the time end, target foe will Suffer (X times each step taken) damage.
Head Burst Blood Blocker.
10e | 1c | 30r:
Must be apply at touch distance. Within the next 5…10 seconds, if target foe were to use any skill that is over 15…10 energy in cost, he will suffer X damage and Daze for the next T seconds.
Shutdown Point
15e | 1c | 45r:
Must be apply at touch distance. After 8 seconds, at the last second, if target foe is attacking at that time, he will suffer Weakness, if casting skill, will be interrupted and that skill be disable for additional 10 seconds, and if is moving, than will be cripple.
Staff Mastery: Skills that enable you for better use of you staff. A combination of defensive and offensive moves. Skills here will apply to magic as well as the melee war staffs.
Whirling Staff
10e | 0c | 15r:
In the next 5 seconds, you have 75% of blocking all melee and range attacks, and deal X damage to all nearby enemy. You can not move or use skill in duration.
Sweeping Spin
6A | 0c | 0r:
Attack all nearby enemy, dealing extra X damage.
Power Thrust
7A | 0c | 0r:
Deal X melee damage to target foe, and interrupted its casting.
Protective Blocks
10e | 0c | 20r:
Stance: For the next T seconds, you have 50% to block all melee attacks, but you can not attack in duration.
This class have multipurpose use. Even with its low armor, it can still be a tanker, if they can remain still, which should be helpful because it is a melee attacker. Its Chi attack enable them to do powerful damages, if they are charge up. Their conditions are pretty powerful too, especially if pilled up, but usually require some thinking to lead their target to enact the needed requirements. Staff could help in attacking as well as defending. They are a breed of last-minute Spiker.
The help to a melee fighting class is its added in damage. A caster would benefit from the staff mastery, as well as Mediation and Hp/Energy management.
Some weakness are their low armor, the need to carry additional skills for Chi (especially if you want more than one fast), certain weakness to DoP and conditions, and their lack of movement.
DESIGN NOTE: I don’t like the name very much, but couldn’t think of a better one than Chi Master at the moment. Also some of the names for attribute and skills are not very good as well, but are just quickly thrown in.
The Chi Orb idea of course comes from RO’s Monk class. I like a Charge-Uper that can do Mega Burst of Finishing Moves. The style stances are “borrow” from another’s idea for their Martial Artist class (sorry I forgot from who…).
I don’t even remember what revision this is for my MA type of class. It has gone thought several revision and break ups. You might wonder how come there are no Punch or Kick or Bare-hand mastery in there. Its because those were broken away and pack into my previous Brawler CC already.
Last note, the goal of this CC is not to be added into the game, but more for the enjoyment of the forum. So don’t worry too much about how it might added or what chapter it could be in.
Thank you for reading. Feed backs and suggestion welcome.
Chi Master is a class that offers good support to both a melee fighter, as well as magic caster. They have a nice list of skills and primary to help them heal them self. Chi Orbs, a new form of charge ups, can become a devastating weapon, as well as helpful aids. They could uphold long stance, as well as apply conditions. Staff mastery enable caster to better use their staff.
Look of Ancient Chinese Kung-Fu master. Usually in robes.
Around 65-70AL, 30-35 energy, 3 regen.
Most of Chi Master’s skill does not need to use any particular weapons, thought many need to be at touch range. They can go bare hand if they want, thought can also give better use to other weapons, depend on your sub class.
There will also be a new weapon type, War Staffs. Instead of magical range, those will be use in melee range with Blunt damage. 2-handed, have about 10-18 damages all around, and usually with +X energy and +X AL mods.
Meditation: For each rank in the attribute (3 points per rank), you will gain 1 arrow of regen in HP or energy. But it only come in effect when you are at “Rest”, which mean will only felt the effect if you have not move for more than 5 seconds. (but you can be attacking, casting, or other attacking you, as long as you remain still)
Rank 1: 3attribute points: +1 HP arrow
Rank 2: 6attribute points: +1 Energy arrow
Rank 3: 9attribute points: +1 HP arrow
Rank 4: 12attribute points: +1 Energy arrow
Rank 5: 15attribute points: +1 HP arrow
So at Rank 4, I would gain +2 HP regen and +2 Energy regen whenever I stand still for 5 seconds.
-Chi Orb– (see below at skill example)
-Stance Style- (see below at skill example)
Meditation (Primary): For each range in this attribute, will increase arrow of regen when at Rest. Also enable you to have more Chi Orbs.
Chi Mastery: Skills dealing with generating and using of Chi Orbs. Use of improve attack, finishing moves, direct damage, as well as defensive and healing purpose.
Ancient Art: Skills in Pressure Points and Style Stance. One is hex-similar in applying conditions and negative effects, and the other is passive stance.
Staff Mastery: Skills in attacking and defending when wielding a Staff weapon.
Meditation: Skills that help you heal your self, as well as energy/chi management.
Moving Mediation
10e | 1c | 30r:
For the next T seconds, you are counted as in rest even if you move.
Refresh Body
10e | 2c | 30r:
For the next 5 seconds, you gain +X HP regen, and remove any conditions on you at the end of this skill. This skill end prematurely if you move.
Soft Mind
10e | 2c | 30r:
For the next T seconds, you gain +X Energy regen when you are at rest.
Chi Mastery:
Chi Orb: They are used to provide power to your chi skills. You can gain them in several ways. They will float around your character. Each orb will last for 30 seconds. You can have 4, and up to max of 8 (with 12 points in to the primary attribute) chi orb around you at one time.
Energizing Chi
10e | 1c | 10r:
Create a Chi Orb. You are easily interrupted when casting.
Gather Chi
5e | 2c | 20r:
Create a Chi Orb. You are easily interrupted when casting.
Aggressive Chi
4 A | 1/2c | 0r:
Create a Chi Orb.
Body Chi
10e | 1c | 15r:
Scarifies 10% HP, create a Chi Orb.
Re-flow Chi
10e | 1c | 20r:
Each Chi Orb you have right now will extend their duration by another 20 seconds.
Chi Strike
5e | 1/2c | 10r:
Consume a Chi Orb on next strike, dealing extra X damage.
Grand Chi Burst
10e | 1c | 30r:
Can only be use if have more than 3 Chi orb around. Consume All Chi Orb on next strike, and you deal X damage for each orb consume this way.
Chi Ball
5e | 1 1/2c | 10r:
Can only be use if have more than 2 Chi orb around. Range Attack. Consume 2 Chi Orb to, you deal X damage afar, and knockdown the target.
Chi Shield
5e | 1/2c | 20r:
Consume one Chi Orb, you block all attacks and avoid all spells cast against you in the next 3 seconds, but you can not attack, cast, or move in that duration.
Consume Chi
5e | 1/2c | 10r:
Consume a Chi Orb, healing your self for X HP.
Recharging Chi
5e | 1/2c | 10r:
Consume a Chi Orb, gain you Y Energy.
Ancient Art:
Stance Style: Will be counted as a Stance. But unlike other stance, it is more like an enchantment. Stance Style usually grant a weaker effect, but with long lasting duration. Can only have one at once (but can use other stance while holding the style). Knock down will break it.
Strong Ox Style:
5e | 1c | 20r:
For the next 120 seconds, when holding this style, you gain +X more HP, and gain +Y more attack power.
Insightful Owl Style:
5e | 1c | 20r:
For the next 120 seconds, when holding this style, you gain +X more energy and 20% faster in casting, but loose Y AL.
Chi Flow Style:
5e | 1c | 20r:
For the next 120 seconds, when holding this style, you gain 1 Chi Orb for every 30 seconds.
Drunken Style:
5e | 1c | 20r:
For the next 120 seconds, when holding this style, you have 25% to evade melee attack, but also have 25% chance of missing your attack. You also attack 10% faster.
Pressure Point: Line of skills that is similar to hex, but usually will only have delay effect if target full fill some sort of condition.
7 Step Exploding Heart
10e | 1c | 30r:
Must be apply at touch distance. Within the next 5…10 seconds, if target foe were to take more than 7 steps, he will suffer Bleeding, Deep Wound, and Cripple for another T seconds.
Death Walk of Internal Burst.
10e | 1c | 30r:
Must be apply at touch distance. Within the next 5…10 seconds, each step that the target foe took is calculated. When the time end, target foe will Suffer (X times each step taken) damage.
Head Burst Blood Blocker.
10e | 1c | 30r:
Must be apply at touch distance. Within the next 5…10 seconds, if target foe were to use any skill that is over 15…10 energy in cost, he will suffer X damage and Daze for the next T seconds.
Shutdown Point
15e | 1c | 45r:
Must be apply at touch distance. After 8 seconds, at the last second, if target foe is attacking at that time, he will suffer Weakness, if casting skill, will be interrupted and that skill be disable for additional 10 seconds, and if is moving, than will be cripple.
Staff Mastery: Skills that enable you for better use of you staff. A combination of defensive and offensive moves. Skills here will apply to magic as well as the melee war staffs.
Whirling Staff
10e | 0c | 15r:
In the next 5 seconds, you have 75% of blocking all melee and range attacks, and deal X damage to all nearby enemy. You can not move or use skill in duration.
Sweeping Spin
6A | 0c | 0r:
Attack all nearby enemy, dealing extra X damage.
Power Thrust
7A | 0c | 0r:
Deal X melee damage to target foe, and interrupted its casting.
Protective Blocks
10e | 0c | 20r:
Stance: For the next T seconds, you have 50% to block all melee attacks, but you can not attack in duration.
This class have multipurpose use. Even with its low armor, it can still be a tanker, if they can remain still, which should be helpful because it is a melee attacker. Its Chi attack enable them to do powerful damages, if they are charge up. Their conditions are pretty powerful too, especially if pilled up, but usually require some thinking to lead their target to enact the needed requirements. Staff could help in attacking as well as defending. They are a breed of last-minute Spiker.
The help to a melee fighting class is its added in damage. A caster would benefit from the staff mastery, as well as Mediation and Hp/Energy management.
Some weakness are their low armor, the need to carry additional skills for Chi (especially if you want more than one fast), certain weakness to DoP and conditions, and their lack of movement.
DESIGN NOTE: I don’t like the name very much, but couldn’t think of a better one than Chi Master at the moment. Also some of the names for attribute and skills are not very good as well, but are just quickly thrown in.
The Chi Orb idea of course comes from RO’s Monk class. I like a Charge-Uper that can do Mega Burst of Finishing Moves. The style stances are “borrow” from another’s idea for their Martial Artist class (sorry I forgot from who…).
I don’t even remember what revision this is for my MA type of class. It has gone thought several revision and break ups. You might wonder how come there are no Punch or Kick or Bare-hand mastery in there. Its because those were broken away and pack into my previous Brawler CC already.
Last note, the goal of this CC is not to be added into the game, but more for the enjoyment of the forum. So don’t worry too much about how it might added or what chapter it could be in.
Thank you for reading. Feed backs and suggestion welcome.
Poison Ivy
I like it...but it's way to simular to the Monk, but I love the staff idea though

I hate the identity, but there are some interesting abilities, I think the idea of some sort of visible energy indicator which powers up your skills is kind of interesting. But this is a new energy source which has not been made available to other classes, so the difficult task of introducing an energy source which only one class can use is a bit unusual.
More forms of energy means more forms of counter, which makes it even more difficult to counter chi orbs because you have only a limited number of skills. I think that is a very significant flaw, it could be remedied by adding dual countering effects to certain skills, like adrenaline counters, but I don't know that it is a good idea at all. It is very interesting, but without some universal counters for chi orbs I don't know how fair it would be. If perhaps the chi where small spirits and the spirits tolk damage from attacks I could see this working alot better, but "chi orbs" with no exsisting counters means either there will need to be new ones, or they will just be uncounterable increases in power, which is an obvious concern, although not broken.
I think the biggest issue is the identity though, Chi Master.... Oh god that sounds like a name out of the power rangers beastary.
More forms of energy means more forms of counter, which makes it even more difficult to counter chi orbs because you have only a limited number of skills. I think that is a very significant flaw, it could be remedied by adding dual countering effects to certain skills, like adrenaline counters, but I don't know that it is a good idea at all. It is very interesting, but without some universal counters for chi orbs I don't know how fair it would be. If perhaps the chi where small spirits and the spirits tolk damage from attacks I could see this working alot better, but "chi orbs" with no exsisting counters means either there will need to be new ones, or they will just be uncounterable increases in power, which is an obvious concern, although not broken.
I think the biggest issue is the identity though, Chi Master.... Oh god that sounds like a name out of the power rangers beastary.
Hey ummm, it's a great idea and all, but I dont' like the idea of standing still and tanking.....
If you were to combine this with another class such as an elementalist....
BAM! tanky!!!!!
You see, once at level 5, it'll be a +5 energy regen and of course +3 health regen.
So who gives a crap about having more eneryg, you got the energy regen and the health regen on your side....
Also I've noticed that the energy costs of skills are a little cheap...
But at least you say it's for the fun of the forum.......
If you were to combine this with another class such as an elementalist....
BAM! tanky!!!!!
You see, once at level 5, it'll be a +5 energy regen and of course +3 health regen.
So who gives a crap about having more eneryg, you got the energy regen and the health regen on your side....
Also I've noticed that the energy costs of skills are a little cheap...
But at least you say it's for the fun of the forum.......
Thxs for the Feedbacks
Poison Ivy: You are right, I guess it is a bit like Monk. But since its skill usually are more for self buffing and healing, and not to aid other, I think they might still be distance enough to be not another total clone.
BK: Read the Design Note section. Feel free to suggest a better name... I don't like Chi-master too.. thought it is the most descriptive.
Yes, I am aware of ChiOrb as another energy source, and ways of countering. Since Chi Orb comes from energy or Adraline, I thinkt existing class would still have ways to counter them with out adding specialize skills.
Gameshoes- the nit picky: as with the spirit of GW, they could be a powerful Tank.. only if you invest enought attribute and skills into them.. which make them weaker in attacks or doing interupte of doping or healing. And remeber, you only gain the added energy when stay still, which make it harder when going gainst a range attacking oppoent or someone who use kitting/hit and run. Once you move, you need another 5 second of rest to get the regen again. Energy cost are cheap for Warrior to still have chance of using them. Again, numbers can always change.
Poison Ivy: You are right, I guess it is a bit like Monk. But since its skill usually are more for self buffing and healing, and not to aid other, I think they might still be distance enough to be not another total clone.
BK: Read the Design Note section. Feel free to suggest a better name... I don't like Chi-master too.. thought it is the most descriptive.
Yes, I am aware of ChiOrb as another energy source, and ways of countering. Since Chi Orb comes from energy or Adraline, I thinkt existing class would still have ways to counter them with out adding specialize skills.
Gameshoes- the nit picky: as with the spirit of GW, they could be a powerful Tank.. only if you invest enought attribute and skills into them.. which make them weaker in attacks or doing interupte of doping or healing. And remeber, you only gain the added energy when stay still, which make it harder when going gainst a range attacking oppoent or someone who use kitting/hit and run. Once you move, you need another 5 second of rest to get the regen again. Energy cost are cheap for Warrior to still have chance of using them. Again, numbers can always change.
LOL you called me Gameshese =D
But yes, you do make a great counter-point =D w00t
But yes, you do make a great counter-point =D w00t
unholy guardian
this guy be perfect
everyone must listen to uncle... even jackie chan... man that show used to rock
anyway i do like the class
everyone must listen to uncle... even jackie chan... man that show used to rock
anyway i do like the class
lvl 20 OM(orb master) lfg!
well we can always be spammed with that message if it means another great class
a better name could be-Martial Arts Master
i was planning on making one almost identical to this, then i read it...
but your turned out a ton better than mine would have
well we can always be spammed with that message if it means another great class
a better name could be-Martial Arts Master
i was planning on making one almost identical to this, then i read it...
but your turned out a ton better than mine would have
I still don't see anything about a counter..... Perhaps knockdowns could destroy all chi orbs.....
As for a light armor class with the ability to provide themself but no one else with effective heal tanking, that cleary defines Dervish and their new primary. With the ability to cash in on cheap low duration enchantments, the dervish can gain significant amounts of health and energy, or use his own enchantments and intentionally remove them for damage plus status effects as well as whatever the enchantment removal skill grants, as well as health and energy. I'm sure they will hash it up a bit before release, but that is the basic power of Mystisim.
I woln't say it is neccessary, but so far, all of the class names are single word. I think the general identity of the class, not just the name, should be overhauled, but easier than that, it would best serve as material for a totaly different identity Chi Master.... Chi..... I just feel a serious case of bad dubbing coming on.
As for a light armor class with the ability to provide themself but no one else with effective heal tanking, that cleary defines Dervish and their new primary. With the ability to cash in on cheap low duration enchantments, the dervish can gain significant amounts of health and energy, or use his own enchantments and intentionally remove them for damage plus status effects as well as whatever the enchantment removal skill grants, as well as health and energy. I'm sure they will hash it up a bit before release, but that is the basic power of Mystisim.
I woln't say it is neccessary, but so far, all of the class names are single word. I think the general identity of the class, not just the name, should be overhauled, but easier than that, it would best serve as material for a totaly different identity Chi Master.... Chi..... I just feel a serious case of bad dubbing coming on.
prodigy ming
This class looks like it will be hard to stay alive being a melee character with low AL suffering similar flaw with the assassins. The Chi ball idea reminds me too much of RO... if creating a chi ball is easily interrupted it will be hard to use any chi skills in a fray. (unless it calls for a similar tatcis to assains where you have to prepare your chi ball before you fight and leave once you used it up)
However, the pressure point sounds intetering and it may be interesting to see players marked with a certain point react to it.
I actually liked the identity of this class and I think something like this would have fit better in cathan than assassins. Whats wrong with Chi?
However, the pressure point sounds intetering and it may be interesting to see players marked with a certain point react to it.
I actually liked the identity of this class and I think something like this would have fit better in cathan than assassins. Whats wrong with Chi?
minor point about countering Chi Orb.
since Chi Orb is genrated by energy or adraline (depend on what skill you use), a typical energy or interupter could prevent them from getting enough chi if timed right. Chi-master class them self would have few chi-counter skills well. Its true that once they gain enough Chi Orbs, it would be hard for other class to counter it, but the same can be say about Enchantment, which seem like Memer would be the only effective class to counter it. And I guess runing around waiting for the Orb's duration to fade is always a possible option.
to Prodigy: Chi Orb does come from RO. I like its playing style of charge up and finish move. Look to some skills in the Chi mastery to see how Chi Orb can be created. I think presure point could be expand more... but didn't want to put too many stuff into the skill examples. Feel free to suggest.
Feel free to think of a better name for Chi Master too.
since Chi Orb is genrated by energy or adraline (depend on what skill you use), a typical energy or interupter could prevent them from getting enough chi if timed right. Chi-master class them self would have few chi-counter skills well. Its true that once they gain enough Chi Orbs, it would be hard for other class to counter it, but the same can be say about Enchantment, which seem like Memer would be the only effective class to counter it. And I guess runing around waiting for the Orb's duration to fade is always a possible option.
to Prodigy: Chi Orb does come from RO. I like its playing style of charge up and finish move. Look to some skills in the Chi mastery to see how Chi Orb can be created. I think presure point could be expand more... but didn't want to put too many stuff into the skill examples. Feel free to suggest.
Feel free to think of a better name for Chi Master too.
unholy guardian
i don't know, to me chi master is a cool name

Better name:
Shin Tao Master
(Way of the Gods Master)
btw AJ: You're such a RO ripper-offer ;P Will they have the one hit kill Asura Strike that disable all your skills >.>
Shin Tao Master
(Way of the Gods Master)
btw AJ: You're such a RO ripper-offer ;P Will they have the one hit kill Asura Strike that disable all your skills >.>
i was thinking more on a mix of Knights of Zodiac, Ryu/Ken/Akuma and Dragon Ball Z for a charcter like this
but of course, he wouldnt use staff, he would use knuckles, and kick, punch, and louch magical projectiles (like hadouken), have combos (like elbow blow, high kick and etc) and of course, control his chi ^^
(come people say KI instead)
but of course, he wouldnt use staff, he would use knuckles, and kick, punch, and louch magical projectiles (like hadouken), have combos (like elbow blow, high kick and etc) and of course, control his chi ^^
(come people say KI instead)
Originally Posted by actionjack
7 Step Exploding Heart
10e | 1c | 30r: Must be apply at touch distance. Within the next 5…10 seconds, if target foe were to take more than 7 steps, he will suffer Bleeding, Deep Wound, and Cripple for another T seconds. |
But anyway, this sounds like a really cool idea. The only class we have right now that has finishing moves would be the assassin, and I think it might be fun to see more of that stuff.
On a side note, I think you mean Meditation, not Mediation. I could be wrong, but I don't really see how mediating would fit.
what if instead of a chi master having energy it would just have these chi orbs? Instead of where the energy bar was there would be up to eight little, blue circles there? To use a skill you would just use chi orbs and when ur out u could use a skill the u... sacrifice 3% maximum health to create another one?
Originally Posted by gameshoes3003
Hey ummm, it's a great idea and all, but I dont' like the idea of standing still and tanking.....
If you were to combine this with another class such as an elementalist.... BAM! tanky!!!!! You see, once at level 5, it'll be a +5 energy regen and of course +3 health regen. So who gives a crap about having more eneryg, you got the energy regen and the health regen on your side.... Also I've noticed that the energy costs of skills are a little cheap... But at least you say it's for the fun of the forum....... w00t! |
plus this is a jap/chineese(ftw faction?!?!?!?) thing r8? so... obviously mediatation is ql n war staff 2 but this charr seems 2 broken to be true... as far as u would give it less armor.... (again ftw u have elementalist n armor of earth r8?) and this type should be able to maintain enchantments (while in meditation) even at gr8er distances then only minimap distance...
Originally Posted by mikrobx
right either you should nerf it or give spell feedback on you... like damage and mana burn on you when spells are casted?
plus this is a japanese/chinese(ftw faction?!?!?!?) thing right? so... obviously meditation is cool and war staff too but this charr seems too broken to be true... as far as you would give it less armor.... (again ftw you have elementalist and armor of earth right?) and this type should be able to maintain enchantments (while in meditation) even at greater distances then only minimap distance... |
In RO, the Champion (which this class is based off from) cannot "meditate" unless they are standing still and NOT being attacked.
Essentially a champion is a burst attacker, being able to do powerful, high energy cost attacks and then resting between each assault.
AJ's version soups it up by allowing you to use that special power while being attacked. Combined with enchantments and such, this will make a VERY powerful tank.
I think we need to find a midway point with meditation to make it useful, but not overpowered.
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Edited your post for clarity.
In RO, the Champion (which this class is based off from) cannot "meditate" unless they are standing still and NOT being attacked. Essentially a champion is a burst attacker, being able to do powerful, high energy cost attacks and then resting between each assault. THIS CANNOT WORK IN PVP. AJ's version soups it up by allowing you to use that special power while being attacked. Combined with enchantments and such, this will make a VERY powerful tank. I think we need to find a midway point with meditation to make it useful, but not overpowered. |
I just dont think Meditation is that powerful... afterall, they need to stand still, which make it good when going against a melee warrior or a long casting caster, but not so well in face of hit-n-runner or Ranger. Also to be a good tanker, would have you take lots tanking skills, which make you less of an attacker or team-helper.
Many people suggest ways to "break" the chi-orbs, using the existing classes's skill (this class will have its own anti-chi and anti-pressure point skill included) I think it would be a good idea, but not sure how. Any suggestions? (I tried to inluded it into the Chi-orb formation skills before... but once they are made, it would be hard to counter them properly)
Originally Posted by actionjack
They are called Monks in RO.
I just dont think Meditation is that powerful... afterall, they need to stand still, which make it good when going against a melee warrior or a long casting caster, but not so well in face of hit-n-runner or Ranger. Also to be a good tanker, would have you take lots tanking skills, which make you less of an attacker or team-helper. Many people suggest ways to "break" the chi-orbs, using the existing classes's skill (this class will have its own anti-chi and anti-pressure point skill included) I think it would be a good idea, but not sure how. Any suggestions? (I tried to inluded it into the Chi-orb formation skills before... but once they are made, it would be hard to counter them properly) |
The Champion is a transcendent (demi-human) class, the further evolution of the RO monk ;P http://iro.ragnarokonline.com/game/jobchampion.asp
I like the idea that KD breaks meditation. Maybe daze prevents meditation (makes sense imo) also??
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Perhaps to prevent being a tank abuse, you can make it so theres very few tanking skills built into the class, requiring a secondary (as mentioned already, the elementalist or warrior) to be an effective tanker.
The Champion is a transcendent (demi-human) class, the further evolution of the RO monk ;P http://iro.ragnarokonline.com/game/jobchampion.asp I like the idea that KD breaks meditation. Maybe daze prevents meditation (makes sense imo) also?? |
Yes, KD should of break the Meditation. I still don't think just having the primary would make them a good tanker. It help them stay alive, and have good energy, but to really tank, would other skills to use and keep up. They do have low armor.
Also as a reminder... you get the benefit of meditation only if you are "at rest", which mean stand in one place for 5+ seconds. Once you move (or got KD), this effect is lost, and you need another 5 second of standing to be at rest again. (if too overpowering as few think, than could make it that you cann't not attack or cast spell for that 5 second to be at rest)