The Tengu..future chap storyline?
Just a thought and perhaps a prediction...
You have the Tengu of Tyria, warlike and will attack us. You have the Cantha Tengu who live with us in peace. It makes for a perfect future storyline, a struggle within the Tengu between living with us or against us and we are brought into the conflict.
You could even take this concept as far as factions. It would be two more sets of factions people could choose from. Could also have alliance battles between more then one set of two factions.
Your thoughts...
You have the Tengu of Tyria, warlike and will attack us. You have the Cantha Tengu who live with us in peace. It makes for a perfect future storyline, a struggle within the Tengu between living with us or against us and we are brought into the conflict.
You could even take this concept as far as factions. It would be two more sets of factions people could choose from. Could also have alliance battles between more then one set of two factions.
Your thoughts...
I'm not really shure wether or not playing as a big snarling featherball would be awesome.

New Concept: Guild Wars Race Wars. Players can make Dwarf, Tengu, and Char characters. And maybe Centaurs.
Originally Posted by ogami_ito
New Concept: Guild Wars Race Wars. Players can make Dwarf, Tengu, and Char characters. And maybe Centaurs.
I was actually thinking we would have to choose a side as far as tyria or cantha tengu like the current kurzick/luxon options but hey wherever you want to go with the concept I posted is fine.

What next? Blacks versus Whites? |
I doubt this will go anywhere - Tengu aren't exactly radiating 'cool' factor. War with the dragons? Awesome! War with the chicken-people? Maybe as an April Fools' event.

Tengu have a peace treaty with canthans, in Tyria, the Tengu there are bandits really. Even the Tengu have seperate factions, as do the Dwarves and Centaurs. Stone Summit, Avicara, Star thingies, etc.
Hey i for one would LOVE the ability to choose a diffrent race,i prefer alot above humans and it would add some very nice effects,and saves us from the same ugly heads every day
I think being able to play a Tengu would rock! I'm gonna have fun picking out the faces and hair for a Tengu

Venice Queen
Sounds as likely as Dredge being the main enemy in Nightfall :P
Count to Potato
Races but same proffesions? wouldn't that just make more artwork, but not effiency in PvP?
Originally Posted by Venice Queen
Sounds as likely as Dredge being the main enemy in Nightfall :P
ZOMfg meeeeeee33333!!1111 dey is da bstst evr man! dere mole powaz is 1337est LOL!!!
Yeah, tengu wars would be kick ass. =D Sounds like a name of a game though [guildwars, tenguwars]
Lmao the psp ads.
Yeah, tengu wars would be kick ass. =D Sounds like a name of a game though [guildwars, tenguwars]
Lmao the psp ads.
Sorry if you didnt understand the noobish bit. I didnt fully read the last post :S
Hmm, can I play as a Mountain Troll with Backfire? Farming farmers would be so much fun...