Hey. I've just bought a character using the ingame store. Now, the graphics on the new character are distorted. The skills are all distorted and my model looks jagged. Al lthe graphics settings are perfectly fine. My other characters are fine though.
Please help.
New character slot - BAD GRAPHICS
he's a clone and he'll never be human like the others!!
You should look below your bed, there may be a ranger hiding and spamming blurry vision everytime you try to use your new slot heahehahah
awesome sauce
An in-game bug is the only thing that I can think of that would explain it. I would try contacting arena-net about it.
Bane of Worlds
contact support
I also noticed that the character thumbnails don't seem to use any anti-aliasing. Here's a pic of what I'm talking about with max graphics settings and 4x AA enabled:

I tried setting my anti aliasing to 2x but the whole screen went off, as if to say i have a 20 times as wide monitor. You had to click about 20cm to the left of anything to have it click it.
Mr D J
Like people already said, contact anet.