delrimor, magumma, and amnoon arenas

renegade nightmares

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006


I was just wondering if you could still use these arenas and how do you unlock them. I saw them in the map gallery and couldnt get into any of these. If anyone can tell me how to get in id appreciate it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

No, they got closed. Annoying because they count towards Tyrian Cartographer. If you have a character that never went in them, you've lost quite a few percent.

AW Lore

AW Lore

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2006

Ancient Warriors Gaming Clan


from guildwiki:
Notes: Areas that count for this title are only the ones which show up on the main map of Tyria/Cantha. This excludes Areas without a map, Pre-Searing, and ofcourse, the Battle Isles. Old Tyrian arenas, that are no longer reachable do count. However, there is a little leeway granted for reaching these titles. Players do not have to actually uncover every last corner of the map to reach 100%. See Grandmaster cartography guide for more information.
To gain the Grandmaster Cartographer title, a character does not need to explore every single point on the map. Some margin of error is allowed. As a result, even though some characters may never be able to access some portions of the map, they may still earn 100% explored. Unreachable zones would most likely be arenas that have been rendered inaccessible due to a game update (such as Fort Koga) or due to level limits (such as the Shing Jea Arena) but may also be training areas for characters local to the continent (such as Monastery Overlook). Again, these zones do count towards those who revealed them, but they do not make it impossible for those who cannot to obtain the grandmaster title.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


Those are part of the random map assortment while playing PvP. But, you can't get to them on the PvE map anymore. Which stinks, because they count for the Explorer title.

I think I remember hearing about them opening up those areas for exploration at some point, but I don't know when or if they're going to do that, though.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Danbury, Connecticut


You can explore 105% of map...You do not need arenas to get 100%.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



The Saishen challange ( not elite one) allows you to choose the arena you want to fight at.
If its for explorer get some guilds kill all but 1 zaishen, then run aroudn and uncover the place.