hey i was thinking of somthing that would make pvp alot more fun while waiting inbetween fights, like ha , ta, ra.
The plan is that for about 45 secs inbetween wins u have to wait, but while u wait a score screen pops upwith scores like
most dmg:
most energy used:
most interupts:
most skills spammed:
lol that would be a great laugh and interest while waiting for ure next fight
but ppls what do u all think?
scores of pvp
unholy guardian
nice idea, but only problem is when things keep popping up and get on my nerves, like during the dragon festival, it had a lot of screen spam. Though it was a cool event.
As a serious PvPer, this is really, really pointless information. Infact, it's so pointless that there's absolutly no reason to add it, ever.
/not signed
/not signed
/DEF NOT SIGNED. This may be fun for iways and that. But I totally agree with Zui.
If you really get into PvP...You will know that that 45 seconds goes by FAST, also, you are on vent/TS, so you talk about everything.
If you really get into PvP...You will know that that 45 seconds goes by FAST, also, you are on vent/TS, so you talk about everything.
i know dudes , it just be a real laugh in random areas
Sorry I don't agree with this.
Me waiting for 45 seconds WITHOUT fighting, ehh...... not cool.
I mean It could be added with the lose or win screen which a lot of people don't pay attention too.
But I just can't wait 45 seconds for superfluous information.
Me waiting for 45 seconds WITHOUT fighting, ehh...... not cool.
I mean It could be added with the lose or win screen which a lot of people don't pay attention too.
But I just can't wait 45 seconds for superfluous information.
sky the unstopable
45 seconds /notsigned
idea /signed
your a serius RA pvper? isint that a little oximoronic? i RA and it would be kinda entertaing, but this could be accomplished durring the few seconds between the end of this battle and the begining for the next.
idea /signed
your a serius RA pvper? isint that a little oximoronic? i RA and it would be kinda entertaing, but this could be accomplished durring the few seconds between the end of this battle and the begining for the next.