What do Monastery Credits do?




Join Date: Jul 2006



hmm ive seen ppl buying them for 100g each so what do they do?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


You turn them in to the quartermasters for items - salvage kits, ale, stuff like that



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


They are redeemed at Shing Jea Monestary and Seitung Harbor with the Monestary Quartermasters for items THAT SELL FOR MORE THAN 100g. Welcome to one of the dumbest scams in the history of Guild Wars.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Manchester UK


Originally Posted by Doomlord_Slayermann
They are redeemed at Shing Jea Monestary and Seitung Harbor with the Monestary Quartermasters for items THAT SELL FOR MORE THAN 100g. Welcome to one of the dumbest scams in the history of Guild Wars.
well, 100g for Monestary is a minimum price since if you trade it for item, you can only sell the item for 100g, although you need to use 200g to buy the item. The price for Imperial Commendation is different since you can trade for a 2 plat item with 5, so each of them should worth 200g(selling price to merchant is half).

100g and 200g respectively is the minimum price(any price lower than these are actually scamming you, you gain nothing for the minimum price i stated). You of corse want to sell it for a higher price, why would you sell it if you can get the same money from trading and sell the item to the merchant?




Join Date: Mar 2006


Lievs Death Squad [LDS]

Monastery Credits = Hunters Ale, That Dwarven shit is a rip off.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


Originally Posted by Silver_Fang
well, 100g for Monestary is a minimum price since if you trade it for item, you can only sell the item for 100g, although you need to use 200g to buy the item. The price for Imperial Commendation is different since you can trade for a 2 plat item with 5, so each of them should worth 200g(selling price to merchant is half).

100g and 200g respectively is the minimum price(any price lower than these are actually scamming you, you gain nothing for the minimum price i stated). You of corse want to sell it for a higher price, why would you sell it if you can get the same money from trading and sell the item to the merchant?
Nevermind, I was thinking of Commendations price-wise. anything less than 100 gold is a scam for Credits, but other than that its a legit trade.

Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


1 credit = 1 scroll of Hunters Insight = 100G at the merchant.

Everybody offering less than that is trying to take advantage of newbies. Trying to scam someone for as little as 100G is pretty sad but that is Shing Jea for ye