I've been reading the forum posts here a lot lately and have noticed an alarming amount of people who think the Dervish is going be the cure all for everything.
IMHO, I see the Dervish going the way of the Assassin.
There will un-doubtly be a surplus of dervishes in the game and unfortunately (and hopefully I am wrong), a bunch of people trying to tank with them.
Oh I have a form with +40AL, Oh, I have self heals, oh I have high DPS.
Ooooohhhhhh...your dead, we're dead, mission failed.
Once this happens to enough players, the Dervish will be snubbed and the local chat will be...
"D/* LFG"
"Dervishes suck"
"No we don't"
"Yes you do, you try to tank and die"
"Not me, it's noobs, I know what I'm doing"
"Dervishes suck and stop spamming you noob"
"w/e...D/* LFG"
Unfortunately, this was all too common with assassins.
At times I would let one in, just to see....most times it was a mistake...a few times the assassin was good.
I hope the Dervish doesn't go this route, but the signs aren't favorable.
Trouble for The Dervish
gene terrodon
About assassins which is why my monk alwasy brings protective spirit for the assassins. Saves energy in the long run and makes them way more effective.
However your argument is completely skewed. The Dervish has much more healing capability than assassins do in addition to better health/energy management via the primary attribute Mysticism. The assassin's healing is limited to shadow arts' Shadow refuge (which sucks) and teleportation.
I predict the Dervish will be more or less akin to a touch ranger in terms of survivability. Like the touch ranger's life steal gimmick, enchantments are the Dervish gimmick.
The problem I foresee is the dervish removing enchantments like Protective spirit, Life Bond, Healing Breeze, Vigorous Spirit, etc. that a monk casts on them.
However your argument is completely skewed. The Dervish has much more healing capability than assassins do in addition to better health/energy management via the primary attribute Mysticism. The assassin's healing is limited to shadow arts' Shadow refuge (which sucks) and teleportation.
I predict the Dervish will be more or less akin to a touch ranger in terms of survivability. Like the touch ranger's life steal gimmick, enchantments are the Dervish gimmick.
The problem I foresee is the dervish removing enchantments like Protective spirit, Life Bond, Healing Breeze, Vigorous Spirit, etc. that a monk casts on them.
Originally Posted by gene terrodon
I've been reading the forum posts here a lot.
gene terrodon
Originally Posted by Raziel665
See? Thats where you go wrong. You are basing your judgement (on a class that is yet to see PvE action and is highly likely to be buffed/nerfed on several points) completely on the idea's, hope's and wild guesses. Your post becomes worthless after that single line.
Maybe your right, but my basis isn't just on the forum posts, but also my experience during the PvP weekend.
Yeah, I know PvE and PvP are two different things, but I ran into many a Dervish just trying to tank while swinging wildly and dying.
To add to that, in the post, people are talking about how the Dervish can do this and that. Regardless of what hopes and dreams these are or wild guesses or w/e, these are people who willl be buying Nightfall and playing the Dervish just they way they dreamed, hoped or guessed they would.
And if the Dervish is nerfed, will that change the way the masses play the Dervish?
Or will there be players that insist on running into mobs (yes mobs so they can see their 3 strike scythe in action) and dying.
It only takes a few peole to sully a group, in the game and society, so to say the thread is worthless is pretty harsh...but hey why would I expect anything else?
To answer Raziel665...That's all good and dandy, but there isn't enough healing to account for massive spike dmg against 70AL. You may stay up for a while, but if you are trying to take on a large aggro with the thought that Mysicism and self healing will keep you up indefinantly, your wrong.
If that was the case, a Dervish would be able to solo the game and what fun is that. There will no doubt be powerfull anti-Dervish enemies and the way I've seen Dervishes played and what I've read in posts, they will be grossly mis-used, especially early on...which can ruin their reputation for a long time.
There's a reason why the Assassin went south in the beginning -
Factions is a standalone product, therefor there were alot of people that made this profession without any prior game mechanic knowledge.
I happen to love playing the assassin, and it's no surprise given its reputation that I've had to spend about 75% of the game with her alone w/henchfolk. It's an even bigger surprise that I've completed Factions, and a great majority of Prophecies this way, and have had far worse luck with actual players (PUGs).
With Nightfall, expect this same pattern if an equal amount of new players jump onboard Guild Wars as they did in Factions, but something tells me Guild Wars is reaching its peak (in a good way), and most Nightfall players will more than likely have prior experience. I wouldn't worry too much about the Dervish being the Assassin of Nightfall.
Factions is a standalone product, therefor there were alot of people that made this profession without any prior game mechanic knowledge.
I happen to love playing the assassin, and it's no surprise given its reputation that I've had to spend about 75% of the game with her alone w/henchfolk. It's an even bigger surprise that I've completed Factions, and a great majority of Prophecies this way, and have had far worse luck with actual players (PUGs).
With Nightfall, expect this same pattern if an equal amount of new players jump onboard Guild Wars as they did in Factions, but something tells me Guild Wars is reaching its peak (in a good way), and most Nightfall players will more than likely have prior experience. I wouldn't worry too much about the Dervish being the Assassin of Nightfall.
Every time you get a new class, you're always going to get tons of people who can't play that class worth beans, especially in the beginning. For the assassin, though it's just too build specific to be used mainstream, I still see them being freely invited into groups, just not in giant hoards of 3-4 or more like it was at the beginning. People have learned, believe it or not, and I haven't seen a super-aggroing suicide assassin in PvE for quite some time.
The Dervish is an interesting class, which first off I wouldn't compare to the assassin at all. The Dervish can't instantly jump into a ranged enemies face with a click of a button, and the Dervish is inherently built to take on multiple foes within it's adjacent range. Of all the melee classes, the Dervish is the one that I would actually want takin on a large portion of the aggro, because it's numerous point blank AoE skills would have a higher chance of succeeding. Where a warrior or an assassin would just focus on one target at a time, while all targets beat on it. A Dervish can help wear down all of the targets at once, allowing the rest of the team to more easily destroy whichever of these foes is most dangerous to the team.
The statement about the Dervish removing monk enchants though is a great point and something important to consider. With the Paragon in the mix though I don't think it will be too troublesome because the Paragon has many non enchant protective skills that could help out a tanking Dervish. Let's say a Dervish and Paragon run in together to take the aggro. The Dervish slices up the adjacent aggro, while the Paragon throws up some protective chants and uses it's spear attacks to wear down the enemy backline.
The Dervish is an interesting class, which first off I wouldn't compare to the assassin at all. The Dervish can't instantly jump into a ranged enemies face with a click of a button, and the Dervish is inherently built to take on multiple foes within it's adjacent range. Of all the melee classes, the Dervish is the one that I would actually want takin on a large portion of the aggro, because it's numerous point blank AoE skills would have a higher chance of succeeding. Where a warrior or an assassin would just focus on one target at a time, while all targets beat on it. A Dervish can help wear down all of the targets at once, allowing the rest of the team to more easily destroy whichever of these foes is most dangerous to the team.
The statement about the Dervish removing monk enchants though is a great point and something important to consider. With the Paragon in the mix though I don't think it will be too troublesome because the Paragon has many non enchant protective skills that could help out a tanking Dervish. Let's say a Dervish and Paragon run in together to take the aggro. The Dervish slices up the adjacent aggro, while the Paragon throws up some protective chants and uses it's spear attacks to wear down the enemy backline.