Politics, options and name-calling, oh my!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sons of Tyria


(Names other than my own have been obfuscated, to protect the hard-of-thinking.)

About half an hour before I started penning this screed, I took it upon myself to have a crack at Unwaking Waters.
So, trying to minimise the number of people inconvenienced if my wireless decided to be...troublesome again, I picked my henches, and lo, I Pushed The Button.

I appeared, the other team appeared. Then, suddenly:

(Language, timothy!)

(Blimey! You wouldn't say that if the queen came to tea!)

Observant readers will notice that I'm not merely being insulted, but insulted in two different languages... Truly, there are numpties the world over.

To cut a long, rambling story short, they seemed to lack the knowledge of what they should be doing, and the skills equipped necessary[0] to do the mission. We wiped. That, however is neither here, nor there.

What is truly important, is that after I pressed The Button, something on the server end looked at the situation and made a choice. It saw me, it saw the other team, shoved us in together left us to it. This is Possibility 1.

Possibility 2 could have happened if I'd been doing this at stupid o'clock in the morning. The server sees me, but lo! There isn't another team! What to do! What to do! Aha! I know! Have some henches!

The point of this whole thing being, imagine if there was a button in the options. Call it the No Politics Button, the Unreliable Connection Button, "Pure PvE" Button, whatever...

If a person is with just henches and they've set it, OR all/a majority of a team of humans have the option set[1], the game automatically rolls you a set of henches, allowing you actively avoid you causing other people grief[2]or coping with the chance of the other side being ill-prepared, ill-equipt, or just plain ill-tempered!

So...er... that's what's on my mind... flame away, good people!
Everything below here is footnotes, y'know
[0]I swear up-and-down, I was the only one interrupting.
[1]Probably the majority. No point in letting one obstinatly wrong-headed person you picked up whilst doing a mission with guildies ruin everyone else's fun.
[2]Yes, I'm looking at you, people who play MM on an unreliable connection. I'm the poor sod who has to clean up your minions after you disappear unexpectedly.

Kool Pajamas

Kool Pajamas

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mage Elites [MAGE]

Well, for those 2 team missions, an option for grouping with henchies on the other team would be nice so I dont have to waste time with people that dont know what they are doing and wont listen to me on how to do it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

668 the neighbor of the beast



Originally Posted by Contherianthrope
(Names other than my own have been obfuscated, to protect the hard-of-thinking.)

u didnt oobfuscate the dragons speak

I had a party a few weeks ago that had 3 of the same guild in it. all of them started in with racial slurs "f-cking N---ers" etc over and over and then lol rofl
like it was cute.

never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

~the Rat who Rants~


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


That is the very reason why I leave local chat off, and only group with guildmates.

Gregos Nielsen

Gregos Nielsen

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by legion_rat

never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

~the Rat who Rants~
qft. I've had many of those experiences; it's amazing how a guild, an institution designed to foster teamwork and citizenship, houses stupidity in majority. ><