I quit running droks.
no medals on guesing why.
i can't use any of my skills without the gay 2 second delay, for example i click the skill but it takes 2 secs for it to actually be used...you get the picture.
i cant go round a corner (or touch any pysical object or monster without my character either being thrown 10 feet backwards or some place else random which i did not wish to happen.
(this ones not common but its still there!) im running...wait hes slowing down! hes stopped! wait no he just got thrown 5ft forward as it caught up.....GGRRR!!
and probably the worst thing which is happening to me at the moment...its new and its here give it up for code 007!!
i run all the way through snake dance, only to go through the portal of camp rankor and it disconnected straight away...it had all the time in the world to disconnect but it had to do when i enter the friggin portal...
Lag!!! Lag!!! Lag!!!
Large Banana