lengthen poison
how does lengthen poison work on a sword for a warrior that has no apply poison or implement poison skills? Does it do nothing at all or does it somehow have a percentage to actually apply poison?
you have access to your secondary's skills. thus, a w/r with apply poison would make use of such a mod.
Sereng Amaranth
+ 33%
Originally Posted by Sereng Amaranth
+ 33%
So all the weapons with lengthen poison do no good unless your character is part ranger?
it lengthens duration by 33%. and yes, the mod is useless unless you have a skill that applies poison using your weapon.
Former Ruling
Or other poisoning class.
But no - The mod only Lengthens already existing poisonings. It does not poison them on its own.
But no - The mod only Lengthens already existing poisonings. It does not poison them on its own.
Lord Iowerth
Originally Posted by nitetime
are you trying to say that theres a 33% to apply poison or just lengthen? Im not a ranger 2nd, so I cant apply poison.
So all the weapons with lengthen poison do no good unless your character is part ranger? |
Not entirely sure if your target is already poisoned from something else, that striking them with a lengthen poison weapon will increase duration ... can someone else confirm? Does it work for your own poison only?
Ahh, thanks for clarifying guys. Apparently I will be selling my max fellblade, boohoo. Wasnt the best anyways.
Originally Posted by nitetime
Ahh, thanks for clarifying guys. Apparently I will be selling my max fellblade, boohoo. Wasnt the best anyways.
Originally Posted by Lord Iowerth
Not entirely sure if your target is already poisoned from something else, that striking them with a lengthen poison weapon will increase duration ... can someone else confirm? Does it work for your own poison only?