How to access pvp with quest character
I'm in a confused state on how to access random arenas on factions. My friend and I started characters on the same day and are both in the same guild, and he can access random arenas from the guild map, but i cannot, I was wondering what it was i had to do to be able to access this.
You need Lion's Arch or Kaineng Center, you can travel to Great Temple of Balthazar and stuff.
Scourage of Death
ummmmm random arenas should be able to be accessed from anywhere on the battle isles(where guild hall is located), if you are talking about the team arenas however you must win 5 consecutive matches in random arena for them to be unlocked
Right, see I thought I would be able to access without doing something prior, but it seems I can't, although my friend can...
got... you have to go to the great temple of balthazar, by boat from kaineng, and then it shows up on you guild hall map
in case you started after the introduction of the battle isles, you'll have to do the zaishen and zaishen elite challenge mission before you can access random arenas