Elementalist, when jump you can be 10seconds on the air, to escape from warriors and do the skills you need.
Then you have to wait 20seconds to do it again.
Rangers, mesmers, well all the profs that can hit, would continue to hit them in the exception of warriors and assassins.
Warrior, could jump normaly, but while jumping you cant do skills.. just atacking normally.
Ranger, could "Dodge", but just for X times.
Necromancer.. Same as ele.
Mesmer, invisible for 10 seconds, recharge time 20secs.

Monk, nothing.
Assassin, runing into walls and do huge jumps, for X time.
Ritualists, can be taken to air for 10 seconds by hes spirits.
The chars that have X times, i was thinking about a litle circle with blue around it, when the circle doesnt have anymore blue around it, it meens that you have spend it the "jump skill".
And to regain your party or you have to kill monsters/Players.
In PvP and PvE it would be very fun, and very tactical.