I bought Guild Wars Prophecies late last October and by the time the Wintersday festival came around I didn't have a whole lot of items saved up where you could trade them in for candy canes, snowmen...etc. I scrambled and farmed as much as I could to buy candy canes and after the festival was over I decided for a number of particular items I'd just save up as much as I could for when the next festival or event came around. Well now that Factions (of which I don't have) is out and they had the Dragon's festival and whatever else it seems apparent to me that I may have been saving up crap for something that may not come around again in Prophecies. Does anyone have any idea if Prophecies owners will see another event promotion like last year's wintersday festival where you can trade in worthless crap for cool items?
I've got so much crap like
tons of charr carvings
tons of charr hides
tons of grawl necklaces
tons of orr emblems
tons of bleached carapaces
quite a few of white mantle emblems
quite a few of mursaat tokens
quite a few of forgotten seals
Now even between my 4 characters I'm having some difficulty managing my inventories and I'm trying to decide what I should merchant, what I should try to sell/auction, what I should salvage...etc. Have I been saving all this crap for a lost cause?