Every one knows diversion kills a toucher, but what is the chance you have a mesmer carrying diversion in ra? or a half decent one against the god knows how many touch rangers in the opposing team in ab.
These to areas may be the most disorgainized and uncivilized from of pvp you can get (e.g kurzicks will rise up and conquer the world, please visit my websit
www.what ever name.com on how to conquer the world with kurzicks) back on topic, experienced pvpers wouldnt usually come here exept for a messaround and a few guild messarounds.
But imagine how frustrating it can be to have 5, maybe 6 touchers on the other team, and your not running a e - surge ect. So the idea of fun in ab is running around like headless chickens from touch rangers. Ra is'nt to pretty either, occasionly you will get a 2-3 toucher team and its a massicre even if by some mirachle you have a mesmer carrying diversion. What i dont understand is why anet dont make them "touch" skills. Sure they are fun to play but not if your on the other end. The fastest way to get rid of a touch ranger is
A. Wait for his stances to run out, or wild blow him then outdamage his healing. (hardest)
B. Diversion.
C. Some people may be a bit wtf, but let the stance run out, or have your warrior carry wild blow then use this pretty standard combo to take them out ; AoD, Golden phoenix strike, horns of the oxe (or shock depending on situation)Falling spiker, twisting fangs, if you have full energy giving armour wich you should have seeing as assasins dont generally fight, and +5 energy daggers, get another golden pheonix strike in and bam.
D. Some kind of cripple, heavy degen spam.