GW Getting Too Spread Out
I'm growing concerned that the GW community will be getting spread too thin by the next few expansions. I mean, every time Anet adds a chapter the players get more and more spread out. Right now it's not too bad; there are only two different places to go. But when Nightfall comes, there will be 3 seperate land masses. People who buy Nightfall will be playing Nightfall, leaving the other areas behind (sure, it's nice to visit the old areas, but honestly, the newer areas get more attention). When Nightfall hits, Factions and Prophecies will become ghost towns.
Now, maybe it's just me, but this seems a terrible waste to see these areas completely abandoned except for certain outposts. I'm not sure how ANet will resolve this, or if they even care, but it seems to me that fragmenting the community is not a good idea. I'm not sure if there is a solution. Perhaps ANet never thought about it because they never expected to last as long as they did. Perhaps they don't value the PvE player community.
Again, I don't have a solution. Perhaps connecting the maps would work. Perhaps not. But I'd like to hear what you all think about it. To be perfectly frank, this, to me, is the most important issue that the coming of Nightfall will bring people's attention to. It's so important in fact, I would consider not buying Nightfall or any other expansions for a while to see how things go. I have to no wish to be a part of a fragmented PvE community, and if that means waiting until the next big MMO comes around, then that's what I'll do.
Now, maybe it's just me, but this seems a terrible waste to see these areas completely abandoned except for certain outposts. I'm not sure how ANet will resolve this, or if they even care, but it seems to me that fragmenting the community is not a good idea. I'm not sure if there is a solution. Perhaps ANet never thought about it because they never expected to last as long as they did. Perhaps they don't value the PvE player community.
Again, I don't have a solution. Perhaps connecting the maps would work. Perhaps not. But I'd like to hear what you all think about it. To be perfectly frank, this, to me, is the most important issue that the coming of Nightfall will bring people's attention to. It's so important in fact, I would consider not buying Nightfall or any other expansions for a while to see how things go. I have to no wish to be a part of a fragmented PvE community, and if that means waiting until the next big MMO comes around, then that's what I'll do.
Terra Xin
The community grows larger every time, and with every expansion as well as their high rating from many game reviewers gives them that edge to attract lots of people to play the game. When factions came out, Prophecies was empty with concern, but... realising how... *cough* Factions is, people are going back to Prophecies. Both areas are sustainable and still recieve peak numbers during the day, the only way to tell if fragmenting would become a problem is to actually wait to see what happens. People are complaining about desertion of towns already, it'll depend if that number increases over time.
sky the unstopable
heres what we need. every week well have a scavenger hunt. not a crappy little scavenger hunt but one that covers all 3 continents. there will be multiple lvls of prises so the more towns and out posts you have unlocked the better off youll be. there will be something in say 10 towns over the 3 continents and you have to answer a trivia question or riddle. every person will get something for every ammunt of items they have. so even if the only place you have have is courthouse and asclon you can still get something when courthouse is up. people would have to spend time in different towns. its always fun to solve puzzles. it would premote exploring. and it has title oppertunitys. gg.
Even when it was just prophecies there was still a deserted town problem, just look a Henge of Denravi..
as for nightfall.. well, Im not sure, but I dont think you will be able to get luxon or kurzick faction there.. so im fairly sure Cantha will continue to be a bustling community.
Its prophecies which will gradually take the hit, there just isnt a reason to go there anymore, and as GW will release standalones as opposed to expansions, new-comers to guildwars probably wont even both buying it.
Its the reasons which attract population, not how many expansions there are. and I just dont think Prophecies has enough of these reasons.
as for nightfall.. well, Im not sure, but I dont think you will be able to get luxon or kurzick faction there.. so im fairly sure Cantha will continue to be a bustling community.
Its prophecies which will gradually take the hit, there just isnt a reason to go there anymore, and as GW will release standalones as opposed to expansions, new-comers to guildwars probably wont even both buying it.
Its the reasons which attract population, not how many expansions there are. and I just dont think Prophecies has enough of these reasons.
There needs to be a PvE town which all chapters can get to. It probably should be for the realms, but if its a new area that would be nice to. ToA/Zin Ku will just get worse and worse I think, unless its fixed.
Same subject was up a couple of days ago, it's the way such games go you can't really do anything about it - people move on to new chapters it's just the way it is.
If you know everquest and the 1,000 expansions you'd know that some old areas aren't visted by anyone.
If you know everquest and the 1,000 expansions you'd know that some old areas aren't visted by anyone.
What this might do is actually boost the importance of Guilds in the game.
While it might be harder to get a PUG in some places, the advantages of being part of an active guild/alliance --where you can call up some team mates for a mission --will become more obvious to people.
While it might be harder to get a PUG in some places, the advantages of being part of an active guild/alliance --where you can call up some team mates for a mission --will become more obvious to people.
Imo Prophecies will be fine... lots of people say they like it more and there never seems to be a lack of people playing it. Factions however... if you think i'm taking my new Nightfall characters through factions anytime soon, you've got another thing coming.
People will still visit old areas
some Elite skills can only be captured from specific Chapters
in the same way that I brought all my Factions chars to Prophecies,
I'll be bring my Nightfall chars to Factions/Prophecies content
some Elite skills can only be captured from specific Chapters
in the same way that I brought all my Factions chars to Prophecies,
I'll be bring my Nightfall chars to Factions/Prophecies content
I'm not concern at all.
If there was no expansions, everyone would still be running about chapter 1, in time people would get bored and quit.
Expansions keep the game interesting, and get new players trying the game.
If there was no expansions, everyone would still be running about chapter 1, in time people would get bored and quit.
Expansions keep the game interesting, and get new players trying the game.
Even when it was just prophecies there was still a deserted town problem, just look a Henge of Denravi.. |
This has been discussed time and time again, and will forever be discussed in the GW community. Of course, the constant supply of expansions will offer more content and could potentialy lead to the thinning out of the community, but as of now, it seems that Prophecies is still fine. There's a noticable decline in population but still you can find PuGs easily, but the reason Prophecies isnt dying out is because it was so popular, but with Nightfall coming out, Factions will probably be left in the dust, and deservidly so.
It's sad to think that a player new to Guild Wars will miss out on the greatness that was, Prophecies, because they bought the later stand-alone "expansions" but there's nothing to be done there. As of now, I'm hoping A-Net will go in a new direction with later expansions.
EDIT: Typo.
It's sad to think that a player new to Guild Wars will miss out on the greatness that was, Prophecies, because they bought the later stand-alone "expansions" but there's nothing to be done there. As of now, I'm hoping A-Net will go in a new direction with later expansions.
EDIT: Typo.
Knightsaber Sith
I think Prophecies will always have a fair amount of people. Most people started in tryia and it feels like home. Everyone goes to play through the expansions; but at the end of the day everyone returns home

Is prophercies really fine?
I can't even find people anymore for a good infusion run these days.. its just empty and deserted.
I have my serious doubts about new people buying factions. I find that hard to belive. Expansions severly limits a potential games growth, doesn't it?
there is really nothing they can do about it, but they could still try to make fewer outposts and towns, and instead focus on making the fewer better and bigger.
Something else they could do - In all deserted outposts in prophercies and factions, they could make all players start in international district. so instead of having the korean, usa, european and japanese districts almost all deserted, if they where combined so each time you would enter the outpost, you would get into the international district.
it makes so much more sense. all the less popular places should have no "home districts". ArenaNet should really do this.
I can't even find people anymore for a good infusion run these days.. its just empty and deserted.
I have my serious doubts about new people buying factions. I find that hard to belive. Expansions severly limits a potential games growth, doesn't it?
there is really nothing they can do about it, but they could still try to make fewer outposts and towns, and instead focus on making the fewer better and bigger.
Something else they could do - In all deserted outposts in prophercies and factions, they could make all players start in international district. so instead of having the korean, usa, european and japanese districts almost all deserted, if they where combined so each time you would enter the outpost, you would get into the international district.
it makes so much more sense. all the less popular places should have no "home districts". ArenaNet should really do this.
Compared with getting no new content, a thinning out of players is the lesser evil.
At least the newest chapter should always be full enough for pugging.
At least the newest chapter should always be full enough for pugging.
Sli Ander
Hopefully this is what will happen: People buy standalones. People like standalone. People migrate backwards towards factions and Prophecies. It will take a while probably, but a fair crowd of people should cycle through prophecies, people that bought factions/nightfall and got bored/want to see if the other chapters are as good.
I'm finding myself more and more in Tyria, doing bonuses I've missed and running with my Canthan warrior, and as has been mentioned, it's home
Maybe they should implement a ' use international districts' option, so you always spawn in international districts, so you can get more people together!
I have a sneaking suspicion Factions just isn't that popular. It may have sold a lot (and I've had it since preorder) but an awful lot of outposts/mission zones seem to be lacking in people, compared to how Prophecies was.
More than a few times the party I've been in (or formed) has had to hop districts trying to scrounge up players. That was virtually unheard of in Prophecies.
(Euro servers, dunno about elsewhere)
More than a few times the party I've been in (or formed) has had to hop districts trying to scrounge up players. That was virtually unheard of in Prophecies.
(Euro servers, dunno about elsewhere)
Sli Ander
Originally Posted by Xenrath
I have a sneaking suspicion Factions just isn't that popular. It may have sold a lot (and I've had it since preorder) but an awful lot of outposts/mission zones seem to be lacking in people, compared to how Prophecies was.
More than a few times the party I've been in (or formed) has had to hop districts trying to scrounge up players. That was virtually unheard of in Prophecies. (Euro servers, dunno about elsewhere) |
I'm heading back to Prophecy with my Warrior to finish up. I left for Cantha after I ascended, so I still need do all the quests from there.
I don't plan on running, so hopefully there will be people to to do the quests with.
I don't plan on running, so hopefully there will be people to to do the quests with.
Guild Wars isnt spread out, there are many people concentrated in the explorable areas where you can't see them, because that is how Anet created the game.
Originally Posted by Xenrath
More than a few times the party I've been in (or formed) has had to hop districts trying to scrounge up players. That was virtually unheard of in Prophecies.
(Euro servers, dunno about elsewhere) |
Most missions in Prophecies can easily be done with henchies and just isnt worth the hastle of getting pug's
Quid Pro Quo
There are people who will play nightfall first then get prophecies as an expansion and play that.
Every game will be new to someone so there will always be people playing them. I'm not worried at all.
Every game will be new to someone so there will always be people playing them. I'm not worried at all.
Originally Posted by Snowman
I think this is more because many missions in Factions actually require REAL people to do them..
Most missions in Prophecies can easily be done with henchies and just isnt worth the hastle of getting pug's |
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by Snowman
I think this is more because many missions in Factions actually require REAL people to do them..
Most missions in Prophecies can easily be done with henchies and just isnt worth the hastle of getting pug's |
the only missions in Cantha I didn't hench were Boreas Seabed; Raisu palace, and Imperal Sanctum
I know that a lot of people find playing with hench just boring; but personally I prefer them cause atleast they follow you as opposed to some moron you might get stuck with in a pug that would cause you to have to start over.
If you get lonely throw on some music and start up a conversation on guild or alliance while you fight

Mister Overhill
As games get older, a lot of companies start selling bundles, or other deals; like if you buy Nightfall, you get Prophecies for ten bucks. Things like that can pull more people in.
As for myself, I've got a new prophecies character going at the moment, and just play with henchmen and guildmates.
As for myself, I've got a new prophecies character going at the moment, and just play with henchmen and guildmates.
Sandblasted Skin
The fact that some skills are only available in another chapter will keep people going back to the old chapters to get that one skill they need for thier build.
The addition of alliances with factions will allow a large base of friends to party with if thier active.
Also the spread could do good by spreading everybody out the players who want more friends should get rid of thier own personal guild and its 2 active members to find a large active guild with an active alliance and make more friends.(hopefully at least)
I also think that the larger the world and the more to do will make the game more attractive to new players and make them last a liitle longer on the active side.
The addition of alliances with factions will allow a large base of friends to party with if thier active.
Also the spread could do good by spreading everybody out the players who want more friends should get rid of thier own personal guild and its 2 active members to find a large active guild with an active alliance and make more friends.(hopefully at least)
I also think that the larger the world and the more to do will make the game more attractive to new players and make them last a liitle longer on the active side.
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by Mister Overhill
As games get older, a lot of companies start selling bundles, or other deals; like if you buy Nightfall, you get Prophecies for ten bucks. Things like that can pull more people in.
As for myself, I've got a new prophecies character going at the moment, and just play with henchmen and guildmates. |
I would put chapter 4 in either eastern or northern Tryia.
It wouldn't be all that bad if their weren't a handful of missions that were all but impossible with the stupid henchmen. I guess that is where having a flexible guild comes in handy. I can always get two or three to come with me on a mish, especially if I ask a day or two ahead of time.
But I can tell you that there are places now, where you can almost never get a team, much less a decent monk.
But I can tell you that there are places now, where you can almost never get a team, much less a decent monk.
wow if all goes to plan... all wow players and EQ and lineage 1 and 2 and diablo and diablo 2 players will come to GW once they c how much it OWNS!
wich is liek 15 million ppl so the towns may be too crowded=D
wich is liek 15 million ppl so the towns may be too crowded=D
Here's my idea on how to get ppl back to the old places. have a title with something along the lines of "Helper of Ascalon" for prophecies and "Helper of Cantha" for Factions and allow Global chat for Looking for Group. Everytime you help somebody in a mission/gain a lvl, you earn a point. This way newbies in empty newbie areas can party with ppl instead of partying with henchies and the lvl 20s will be more incline to visit old towns to help newbies.
All 4 of my Faction Characters have gone back to Tyria to complete the desert, Shiverpeak and Fire Island missions, primarily for skill capping, (Monk, Warrior, Ranger & Necro).
The first new Nightfall character planned is an Ele so back to Tyria again then.
The second new character planned will be one of the new professions so I don’t have to go back to Tyria.
The first new Nightfall character planned is an Ele so back to Tyria again then.
The second new character planned will be one of the new professions so I don’t have to go back to Tyria.
Originally Posted by Snowman
I think this is more because many missions in Factions actually require REAL people to do them..
Most missions in Prophecies can easily be done with henchies and just isnt worth the hastle of getting pug's |