Originally Posted by Andrew Patrick
Hey guys,
It seems a lot of these concerns are arising over the sudden push deep into Luxon territory. We wanted to clarify this is not simply a result of EoE team killing, but rather, “battle line momentum” has taken effect. We will continue to fine tune the effects of momentum as we observe the results in-game.
For reference, here is the original update note about momentum: “Modified the algorithm that causes the alliance battle line to shift. A faction that pushes into enemy territory will temporarily gain a "momentum bonus" that helps it drive the battle line further into enemy territory.”
We are not dismissing claims that players are maliciously using EoE, infact, we will be making changes to EoE soon to prevent it.
Thanks Andrew for noticing this thread and letting us know that you're on top of it.
In the meantime i'm liking some of the counters people are thinking of...I personally think though that if you have a group of 4 people doing this at the start of an AB that the rest of the AB is fairly well pointless since your side will be 4 players down right from the start and behind in the score. Most people understandably simply leave.
FWIW I play on the kurzick side and wasn't making any comment regarding momentum...simply that when this happens to your side, whether kurzick or luxon, it pretty well ruins that AB for you and hands the other side a free win.