My guildies and I were bored yesterday and I needed to cap Hundred Blades for a build I was going to try out, so we asked the rest of our guild if they wanted to come with us. No response.
We asked randoms to join us... oddly, no response. We also had the only monk in the district, while some people were asking for 3 monks to be on their team (wtf, it's not THAT hard of a mission).
So after waiting around and nobody wanting to join us, we set out as a 4-man group. Myself as a W/Me, my guild leader as Mo/N, one of the guild officers as R/Mo, and a friend of the guild leader as W/Mo.
Going into the mission I was pretty uncomfortable with the build I was using to capture Hundred Blades, as I have never used a sword in all my time of playing GW. I have always been an axe man. Things turned out alright, though...
We only had one slight disaster where everyone was almost completely wiped out, which was on a bad pull at the portals.
In total, it only took us about the same time it would have taken an 8-man group, perhaps only slightly slower.
4 Man Hells Precipice Team
well i'l be damned haha all that time i waisted with 8 man teams
out of curiosity, how long did it take you? I just want to compare against my dom mesmer hench team (8 slots) which took 50 min from start to lich death.
Good on you, mate!
Originally Posted by dargon
out of curiosity, how long did it take you? I just want to compare against my dom mesmer hench team (8 slots) which took 50 min from start to lich death.
Honestly, I don't remember. I didn't exactly time it (I wasn't planning on completing the mission). It was probably about 45 minutes to an hour, it didn't seem very long.
Congrats! It can be a tough mission and requires patience, which is often lacking when with a PUG. I finished it last weekend with my wa/mo + 7 henchies after failing with a couple of different PUGs. It took quite a while and I must have rebirthed the henchies 5 different times.
i did it as well with a 4 man team
1 monk, 1 ranger and 2 ele's
about an hour or so
1 monk, 1 ranger and 2 ele's
about an hour or so
Claire Wolf
Its good to see that people can actually have that kind of patience.. Since others usually seem to yell at you all the time throughout the Fire Isles.. I feel bad for the healers there. :>