Concept class: ANET developper

Sir Mad

Sir Mad

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Moe's Pub

Pigs Can Fly [Pigs]



Public Relation: many skills especially those related to making promesses become more effective with a higher public relation.

Purple Channel: for 60...180 secs you can use the pruple channel. Mesages using the purple channel cannot be ignored. This skill cause uber lag in LA international districts.

Summon the Frog {E}: summons a level unkown frog at target's location and gain 1...10 drunkard points. The frog disappears after 60...180 secs. This skill causes lag.

Patient Was Gaile Gray: for 60...180 secs, the "All" chat is disabled. Your status is set on "Do not disturb". When this skill ends a new topic is posted on guru.

Nerfing: Many skills especially those related to making skills useless become more effective with a higher nerfing.

Nerfing Was ANET {E}: for 1...12 months, one random skill of target foe costs 120...250% energy, and recherges 200...1000% slower. Used on IWAY, it recharges immediately.

Dead Was His Pet: for 10...60 secs taget foe's pet suffers from deep wound whenever this pet is hit - if the pet's health drop under 20...80% it turns hostile to his master.

A Joke Were UW Nightmares: target foe lose all enchantments. For every enchantment lost, A Joke Were UW Nightmares deals 25-50 damage to the target.

Overpowered Were the Ele: (hex spell) for 15...120 secs, whenever target foes use an area of effect spells moving opponents gain 50...150% of the health they would have lost instead, and deal 200...500% of the damage back to the caster.

Too Strong Were Warriors: for 6...12 months, target warrior has -40 armor. If target foe use mending when Too Strong Were Warriors is active, he suffers from 1...4 health degeneration.

Nerf Shield: For 15...60 secs target other ally is imune to nerf spells. Used on a touchie, this enchantment causes whinning on guru.

Bugging: Many skills especially those related to creating new bugs become more effective with a higher bugging.

Dragon Festival: For 1...3 days, summons 1..6 Emperor Kisu at target's location. The emperors do nothing.

Scale Glitching: Trap. Used on scales, foes become stuck and cannot move until the party rezones 1...3 times. Rebirth cures the effect.

Banning: Many skills especially those related to randomly banning users become more effective with a higher banning.

Bots crushing: disable randomly 100...4000 accounts.

Shatter Support: disable support team for 1...7 days. Whenever a trouble ticket is sent when the support team is disabled bot messages are sent as a reply, and 1...7 advertises per week.

To the mods: sorry, I know I should have posted this one in Off-Topic and Absurd - I just couldn't resist



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

To the mods: sorry, I know I should have posted this one in Off-Topic and Absurd
Then you should have posted it in OTA instead of here. The moderators are not here to put your threads in the right forum when you don't feel like doing so yourself. Closed.