Filter visible players by age
I would like to see a filter in the options menu, age range, this way I could play with people of my desired age range, maybe there are 100 people in the outpost, but 40 of them are 10 year old kids and I would most definitely not want to play with them nor listen to what they have to say to chat channels, maybe the default would be from 0 to 100 to get the default behaviour, and then I could change that. The game would be a lot more bearable this way.
I can already feel the peace of filtering out common spammers and beggers.
I can already feel the peace of filtering out common spammers and beggers.
Victory Gaint
dude no matter what u want theres alkways gonna be immature ppl on the internet....just gotta live with it like the rest of us do....
I know, but if you had the chance to filter the common immature people, wouldn't you take the chance? wouldn't you rather have the option to reduce the possibilities?
mental age is usually independant of physical age. I've seen quite a few people in the game under 16 who act way more mature than some 25 year olds.
Victory Gaint
nah....its always fun to challenge them to a game of wits....and to laugh ur ass off listening to them
Haha, I love how you called immature folk "common". I think this is a good idea, as at least this way, the idiots you encounter might be able to spell "WTS"...
I've seen just as many immature and belligerent 30 years olds as I have 15 year olds. And just as much ignorant and offensive behavior from 20 year olds as I have 13 year olds. (And really, if it's a 10 year old playing this game... I doubt you'd see any of the behavior listed here... they aren't "mature" enough yet to act that way
) Unfortunately, maturity online is just not dependant on age.

What age? And how is supposed to work as I am missing the whole concept. If you are talking about the ingame age thingy, then basing a filter on that would be just stupid and ignorant (I am sure you are not talking about that one). If it's about the real age, then how do you know someone has put his/her real age. All in all it would just create more unneeded obstacles. As already has been said.. deal with it as it is. Learn to ignore useless messages and whatnot yourself.
Nikki Moonlight
strangely..i'm 15 and i'm friends with at least 5 20+ year olds in the game, so going by age really isn't gonna help much, like others have said, older people exploit the fact that people don't know who they are, as much as young people
Nikki Moonlight
strangely..i'm 15 and i'm friends with at least 5 20+ year olds in the game, so going by age really isn't gonna help much, like others have said, older people exploit the fact that people don't know who they are, as much as young people
Small flaw in your thought. Let's add gender as well for the example:
Log in screen:
Please enter your age: *enters 18*
Please enter Gender: *enters Female*
Real Life: Either 10 year old kid looking for a laugh or a 40 year old perv...
There's no way of checking what age someone is except in Korea, where they use ID numbers.
Log in screen:
Please enter your age: *enters 18*
Please enter Gender: *enters Female*
Real Life: Either 10 year old kid looking for a laugh or a 40 year old perv...
There's no way of checking what age someone is except in Korea, where they use ID numbers.
Age doesn't matter, neither does the /age... Immaturity can happen at any point. You can't judge character (attitude) of a person by a character's age or a person's age.
Being an idiot is sort of an equal opportunity employer -- I've met 10-year-olds in game who had better grammar and spelling skills than many adults. (I've also met my share of kids who spent the entire mission drawing on the radar screen).
Maybe instead of an age filter there should be one for IQ and grammar. Or, better yet, honorable people. Heck, that wouldn't be a bad filter for real life.
Maybe instead of an age filter there should be one for IQ and grammar. Or, better yet, honorable people. Heck, that wouldn't be a bad filter for real life.
death fuzzy
its not just the 12 year olds that are immature.
ive seen parents who play that act just as immature
ive seen parents who play that act just as immature
Scion of Darkness
i think a great idea would be for people to rate the maturity of there group mates after missions etc etc and then there scores are averaged. YOu could then filter people for theis "maturity rating"
Originally Posted by Scion of Darkness
i think a great idea would be for people to rate the maturity of there group mates after missions etc etc and then there scores are averaged. YOu could then filter people for theis "maturity rating"
Originally Posted by Sheco
I would like to see a filter in the options menu, age range, this way I could play with people of my desired age range, maybe there are 100 people in the outpost, but 40 of them are 10 year old kids and I would most definitely not want to play with them nor listen to what they have to say to chat channels, maybe the default would be from 0 to 100 to get the default behaviour, and then I could change that. The game would be a lot more bearable this way.
Your best thing to do is to find a guild filled with mature players. If your guild already meets that criteria, then just turn off "all" in towns and, like magic, you will be filtering out the immaturity.
Immature behavior on the internet is not a problem of age. Personally, I find your idea to be not the most mature one itself.
Another Funny thread!! LMAO!!!!
The Yoink
Now now... clearly the only thing for A-net to do is e-mail everyone who is 21+ years old, put those of them who want on their own "adult" servers, give them all a Shocking Dragon Sword, give them NCSoft stock options, and slap an (Elite) tag to go behind their names...
Scion of Darkness
Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
Who's to say they don't rate you immature for no reaosn other than for laughs?