Warrior/Ranger viable?
I finally picked up GW. I rolled a warrior but was unsure what a good secondary would be. I chose Ranger for its Beast Mastery aspect. I figured this would increase my damage output which would equal faster kills (with a hit to adrenaline buildup). It seems to be a nice combo so far but I am wondering if it is a viable one for later levels. Anyone tried this or have a better suggestion for a secondary. I'd rather find out now if I should reroll before I invest alot of time in this build.
mitch herbort
i think w/r makes a great proffession, if it isnt a viable strategy for later levels, just look on the warrior build forum, there should be plenty of w/r builds there. personally i would choose to use apply poison+cyclone axe+victory is mine(E), its the combo i use when i run w/r