I didn't get to try the assasin before the skill update that shortened the range of their shadow step skills, but it's way too short right now don't you guys think?
I mean it's not even longbow range.. what good does it do to warp to a group of monsters who by the time you arrive are already running towards your team? Whenever I use this skill I warp to a monster, as soon as I get there that monster starts to run towards my other teamates, making me have to run back to almost the exact position I started!!
Increase the range too atleast longbow distance or further. Personally I think the whole idea of shadow stepping is somewhat of a waste of a skill but if that's an assasin perk atleast make it worthwhile.
Shadow stepping problems
Umm...you shouldn't be stepping in until the battle has started...if you're going in first you're doing something wrong...and yes, I know you're going in first because if they were fighting they wouldn't still be moving...
Rework your tactics or become yet another useless dead assassin
No offense, but someone has to say it eventually...
Rework your tactics or become yet another useless dead assassin

No offense, but someone has to say it eventually...
offense to what? I was describing one situation in which the warp doesn't help. Also trying to escape by warping out only brings you a couple feet away. Not out of danger at all.
I think it needs to be longer range that is all.
I think it needs to be longer range that is all.
Knight Othin Of War
/Not Signed
Assassins aren't Tanks so they should never be the first ones to fight
Assassins aren't Tanks so they should never be the first ones to fight
unholy guardian
why would you go in first, it be a thing where you could hide a bit more from the fight before going in.
Shadow Stepping into some enemies alone is an obvious mistake, Assassin will become the sole target of an entire group, and they lack survival prowess. Shadowstepping is best used to circumvent heavy melee units and reach the support units after the battle has already started, overcoming movement penalties and barriers, it is not a license to jump into battle alone.
The range of shadowsteping is hardly a problem, it is the frequency and cost of these skills that make many of them worthless or too expensive.
The range of shadowsteping is hardly a problem, it is the frequency and cost of these skills that make many of them worthless or too expensive.
Death's Charge, AoD and the like are spells, and therefore have spell range
The nerf happened after a guild used a big shadowstepping, one w/a cast recall on assassin, assassin goes to AoD a Archer in enemy base, warrior cancells recall... boom, One Warrior and one assassin in base even thought the Warrior could be in the flag stand or their own base.
This is no longer possible because of the nerf, I don't play assassins but this is what I got out of the update atleast. Correct me if I'm wrong
The nerf happened after a guild used a big shadowstepping, one w/a cast recall on assassin, assassin goes to AoD a Archer in enemy base, warrior cancells recall... boom, One Warrior and one assassin in base even thought the Warrior could be in the flag stand or their own base.
This is no longer possible because of the nerf, I don't play assassins but this is what I got out of the update atleast. Correct me if I'm wrong
Recall is a maintenance spell, and can still be deactivated after the enemy is well out of casting range as far as I know.
If anything has changed on this it would be the range at which this maintenance spell remains in effect, which isn't from one side of a GH to the other as far as I know.
Too be quite honest Recall would have to allow players to jump across a map in order to make it worth wile, 15 energy and maintenance is a wild cost, heavy for Assassin and extreme for Warrior.
If anything has changed on this it would be the range at which this maintenance spell remains in effect, which isn't from one side of a GH to the other as far as I know.
Too be quite honest Recall would have to allow players to jump across a map in order to make it worth wile, 15 energy and maintenance is a wild cost, heavy for Assassin and extreme for Warrior.
well thx for the advice guys, but noone thinks it could be longer range? I'll try out everyone's suggestions and see if range is no longer an issue.