I've seen a lot of people that want to command henchies, change their elite.
Though I have no idea how to achieve the commanding part, it'd be nice to at least be able to change their build to what you see fit.
So then basically you right click on a henchie in the party menu and then you change his/her attributes and skills.
The skills that they can use are the ones that you posses, so if you have less skills than they do, then don't change it, if so feel free.
But I know that people will use elite skills on lvl 3 henchies which isn't that alright...
So then you can only add elites with lvl 20 henchies.
Then you do whatever........
Be able to change henchie builds
I believe this was announced for nightfall: change their build and equipment
the hench are programmed specifically to use the skills they have somewhat well. Giving them new skills would cause all sorts of problems. I saw a monk boss once spamming mending on itself and removing it. The AI on the hench would need a ton of help if we were able to give them skills.
It's in Nightfall? cool.
its rumoured to be in nightfall after eb had something about it on their website and then removed it. i think.
Xenex Xclame
That is correct, the rumors came form EB Games not from Arenet, so it might be false. (Which it probably is)
Marty Silverblade
I still think in your login screen there should be some slots for a 'Make-a-henchie'. In the outposts/towns/whatever, there would be a silhouette of a henchie, and the leader of the group can click on him, and get a list of his henchies. The henchmen you make would have to be set at different levels and all that crap though, with skills you've unlocked.
Originally Posted by Marty Silverblade
I still think in your login screen there should be some slots for a 'Make-a-henchie'. In the outposts/towns/whatever, there would be a silhouette of a henchie, and the leader of the group can click on him, and get a list of his henchies. The henchmen you make would have to be set at different levels and all that crap though, with skills you've unlocked.