Befriending BOTH Factions
Here is my delima. I joined a luxon guild early in the game when I knew virtually nothing. Since then, I have decided that I want 15k Kurzik armor...however I like my guild and I would like to stay.
Someone in game told me that (contrary to what I had heard before) I can travel to all cities on the map and trade with any merchant if I "befriend" both factions. The trick I was to befriend the faction you are NOT a member of first.
Does anyone know anything about this?
Someone in game told me that (contrary to what I had heard before) I can travel to all cities on the map and trade with any merchant if I "befriend" both factions. The trick I was to befriend the faction you are NOT a member of first.
Does anyone know anything about this?
Shantel Span
You can acquire any faction at any time. To talk to a Kurzick armour crafter, you need only more Kurzick faction than Luxon at the time. You can easily spend faction and acquire more of either. Guild affiliation has nothing to do with it.
Family Draconis
this is how people can get canthan grand cartographer. wouldnt make sense to have an entire part of a world locked out and still have the title available to everyone.
Great Info...but when it comes to "befriending" both that possible and what are the pros and cons?
Knightsaber Sith
It is possible to befriend both. Just hop over to (I think it's in Maatu keep.....) grab the befriending the Kurzicks quest. Do a few Kurz quests and once you get 10k faction, you're in. The pro's: you get access to the entire map and slightly more content if you're bored. The con's: really the only thing could be if you don't want to divide your time between the factions.
I pwnd U
Yes its possible. But if both factions have 0 and you have befriended both of them then which ever side your guild is affiliated with is the one that will talk to you. Whichever has more faction is the one that will let you Merchent and such.
I did the luxon ones first and got all my characters to gayla...then got jade for my factions....when I finished unwaking waters I got the kurzick quest and am doing that also to unwaking waters......when I want to do some stuff in the luxon side I either turn in my factions for amber or do some of the challenge missions to get my luxon faction higher than my kurzick...quite easy to do. (and when I go back to kurzick the altruim ruins challenge mission is fun and easy to do even with a full henchie crew!)
As long as you have more faction for one side, that side being kurzick or luxon with talk to you. What I did was farm the 10k faction for one side and got all of my characters past the befriending quest before I traded in the faction for amber/jade. Then repeat for the other side. Once you get the Stolen Eggs or the Defending the Forest quest, you no longer need to keep all of that faction. Unless you're tired of zoning back to Maatu Keep to sell stuff to the merchant.
Tetris L
A Tip: Do not collect faction for both sides simultanously. It's a waste of faction, because spending faction for one side will make you lose faction for the other side. So it is smarter to collect 10'000 faction for one side, then do the "befriending" quest for that side to gain access to the capital and explore the region. THEN, when you're done with one side with all your characters, spend all you faction for that side and start collecting faction for the opponent side.
Funk ee Monk ee
Amen on that tetris, and one addition: You can use the same 10k faction to move all characters throught the befriending quests so don't spend it until you have moved all toons through the quest.
btw, if you are getting 15k Kurz armor, Lutgardis (and the repeatable quest out the east gate) should be your home for a while to collect amber.
btw, if you are getting 15k Kurz armor, Lutgardis (and the repeatable quest out the east gate) should be your home for a while to collect amber.