Show a quitter's allegiance
Doing Aliiance battle i find it hard when someone leaves the game and i wont know that person is either luxon or kurzick unless i ask.So when dun they like do this....
Derek Light(luxon) has left the game.
Derek Light(luxon) has left the game.
sounds like a good idea, it certainly better to know if you have an advantage or disadvantage, although surely teams in your alliance would pass on the message?
Either way, /signed.
Either way, /signed.
Told ya so!!
That's a nice idea. And /signed for that.
Although, I've got to put on my moderator hat now: I'm going to have to rename the title of this thread. Please don't use generic titles like "Maybe..." or "My Idea" or whatnot. We have a rule about that in our forum guidelines. Keep to descriptive titles when posting threads in the Sardelac.
Although, I've got to put on my moderator hat now: I'm going to have to rename the title of this thread. Please don't use generic titles like "Maybe..." or "My Idea" or whatnot. We have a rule about that in our forum guidelines. Keep to descriptive titles when posting threads in the Sardelac.
Jiao Yang
Yep that sound great. /signed
Kai Nui
sounds like a perfectly good and reasonable thing, I strongly endorse this product.
Can't see any possible drawback of it,
Useful improvement.
Though this would ensure that when someone leaves that only his side will ragequit in response, instead of a cascade of ragequitters on both sides (I've seen it happen once).
Though this would ensure that when someone leaves that only his side will ragequit in response, instead of a cascade of ragequitters on both sides (I've seen it happen once).
Thanks for changing the title!
You can see the quitter from score chart by hitting O, and selecting morale.
But ye, seeing the name right away would be handy too.
But ye, seeing the name right away would be handy too.
o i didnt know that
Awesome idea
Awesome idea
Edge Martinez
/signed. Great idea!
thanks all