A ponderizationilimation
If you think about it, the people in the alliances which control the towns around cantha get more of the map to explore and thus a better chance of obtaining the Master cartographer title. With all those nooks and crannies they can get to which we cant, it's sort of unfair.
No. You can still "unlock" those parts of the map by walking around them.
Ira Blinks
A ponderizationilimation |
I do like that word though...
There is only one part that gets any significant map clearance percentage for the title (although it doesn't unfog the map from what I've read) and that is Eredon Terrace. However, you can get the 100% title without having to do that.
gabrial heart
There isn't a master cart limitation anymore since they allowed non canthian born characters full access. None of the elite areas you can't reach count towards masters. Nice title for the thread though
If you're going to complain about unfair locked areas, complain about how Tyrian players were only able to unmap the tutorial area (southeast of the Monastery) during the Dragon Festival- that 0.4% got me GMC
I reserve all rights for use of the word 'Ponderizationilimation'.
Pff, it's got nothing on hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.
There's probably a loophole somewhere...
Ponderizationilimation! Ah hah! Bring the legal action on bitches!
Ponderizationilimation! Ah hah! Bring the legal action on bitches!
I'm also gonna post to contribute in this spamthread
Anyways that's like 0.1%
Anyways that's like 0.1%