i am really confused with price checking



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

poopoo newyork

Twighlight Dragons


if some one could explain to me how to get items price checked and get a good honest answer as to how much the item(s) is (are) worth

just to show what i have i will list them below

Smiting rod (gold)
Light dmg 11-22 (requires 11 smiting prayers)
Energy +5 (while hexed)

Defensive Insribed Staff of Enchanting (gold)
Chaos dmg 9-14 ( reqs 8 domination magic)
Halves skill recharge of Domination magic spells (chance 19%)
Armor +5
Enchantments last 20% longer

Furious BreaK Hammer (purple)
Blunt dmg 15-25 (reqs 9 hammer mastery)
Double adrenaline on hit (chance 8 % Percent)

If someone could pls either post the prices on this thread or give me a good way to get a price check or explain to me how to do it myself

ty in advance



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


1. Go into the Price Check sub-forum: Here.

2. Create your thread.

3. Show your items either as a picture file or describe them like you have done here.

4. Await a reply

For your items:

Smiting Rod, almost nothing. High req' and +5 while hexed, not a popular bonus.
Staff, again almost nothing. Low req, but not max' damage. Also not max' energy. The bonus of HSR 19% isnt too bad. Salvage this for the mod's.
Hammer, once again nothing of value. Max' damage is 19-35 for Hammers.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Ok i wont give you prices but i will help you figure it out a bit.
Its pretty easy to know if something is worth anything or not, if its worth something it can be a bit harder to know whats it worth but anyways.
Ill tell you how i see it,ill use your items as examples.

The smite rod , its max dmg to start it req 11, which is just on the border of being a bit high ( 8,9,10 are good 7 if your lucky)
Energy +5 while hexed, i personally hate these kind of upgrades cause they really too much on something, so in short if your not hexed your not getting it, and to tell you the truth you dont want to be hexed.

Its not max dmg,that already makes it not worth anything(if you dont look at mods)
Halves skill rehcarge of dom mag 19% nice seeing as 20 is max.
Armor +5 also nice its max
Enchants last 20% longer, nice again, max again
If it was a max staff it could have been worth something.You can still sell some of the mods for a nice price if you salvage any .

The hammer.
Wortless, not max and a furious mod on it worth 500G if you can find a buyer.Not worth the effort if you ask me.

Things i think when valueing something is , how usefull is it, is it max or near it and the mods of course.

Check this Link out and get your priceranges and pricechecks there:

Malice Black

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Join Date: Oct 2005

rod - merchant
staff - expert salvage
hammer - merchant

Tsunami Rain

Tsunami Rain

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Join Date: Aug 2005

Honolulu, Hawaii

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