What does this say in English?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Thanks in advance



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

If you can read this, you know Korean?

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

look on the internet, it is one of the biggest info providers in the world..

try finding a korean to english translation page



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Um, I do research as part of my job and let me tell you - it would be pretty hard to just jump on the internet and search for the meaning of a symbol. You can't exactly go to Google and search for "a written symbol that is like a black marker in vertical and horizontal lines that are kinda crossed near the top, and there's some other lines at the bottom that look like a # but not quite." lol :P

Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
look on the internet, it is one of the biggest info providers in the world..

try finding a korean to english translation page
Yea... no.

Korean, and all asian alaphabets (wich really aren't alphebets at all) are not like the one we use. Invidual letters and symbols are not used to represent single sounds... the symbols have different areas within them that mean different things.

To translate that you'd have to actually undestand how the Korean language works... why do you even bother posting if you're gonna just post useless crap that won't help anyone?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Save The Dragons


Ya its almost impossable to find out what that says on the net you will need to know someone who can read that language like what Mournblade said you can't just do a seachs for it and find it



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

[L] [GET]

Are you sure it's even Korean? And not Chinese or Japanese Kanji?


Kit Engel

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Lords of the Sacred Chao


It's just a design. Not part of an actual language. ^_^



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

[L] [GET]

Originally Posted by Hand of Ruin
Yea... no.

Korean, and all asian alaphabets (wich really aren't alphebets at all) are not like the one we use. Invidual letters and symbols are not used to represent single sounds... the symbols have different areas within them that mean different things.

To translate that you'd have to actually undestand how the Korean language works... why do you even bother posting if you're gonna just post useless crap that won't help anyone?
And actually there are Japanese and Korean alphabets that work like ours that use a syllabary rather than symbols for each word:



The Japanese use Kanji as well, but these are simply slightly modified Chinese characters which some of are rather archaic now.





Join Date: Jul 2005


That's not Korean. I doubt that's any language at all.

Yes, the Korean language has an "alphabet", with vowels and consonants.

And to make sure that everyone gets the message, THIS IS NOT KOREAN.

Sereng Amaranth

Sereng Amaranth

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Amazon Basin [AB]

It says....

"Snape kills Dumbledore."



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005


Kirins of Holy Light


One, its not Korean. Korean is VERY distinctive from Chinese and Japanese, you really shouldnt be getting them confused. It isnt too hard to learn to read and write the Korean alphabet....remembering what the words actually mean is the hard part. ;-)

The characters ARE part of an actual language. Though parts of it can be read in Chinese, it really doesnt make too much sense. I have the feeling someone that can read Japanese would be able to translate it.

Please people, if you dont actually know what it is then dont make mis-information replies.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

[L] [GET]

Originally Posted by Kit Engel
It's just a design. Not part of an actual language. ^_^
Are you saying this for certain or just guessing?


(Perhaps its the Japanese Kanji for Cantha or perhaps it is Canthan characters...)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Well, if it were more clear, then I could use the drawing pad I have to help input it into a site that can translate whichever language it is into english..


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



I'll clear it up. It says

'How's my fighting - Call (number removed)....



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

i can verify that it's not chinese... nor, imo, is it kanji from japanese (which in writing, i heard was the same thing any way)

and yes, as heist mentioned, it's not korean either... i can recognise korean when i see one i think... (watched too much korean series ^^)

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


It is Calligraphy.

What the symbols represent I don't know, you'd really just have to look them up :\



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Well my parents can't read it so that leaves Chinese out...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

[L] [GET]

Ok I think I can now safely say that it is not Japanese Kanji either.

I don't know anything about Korean or Chinese, but multiple people have confirmed it isn't either of those.

I am currently studying Japanese, and I didn't think it was Japanese at first as it didn't look familiar to me at all, but I thought there may still be a chance as I certainly am not familiar with every Japanese Kanji out there, that and the fact that the characters are rendered rather poorly, I figured there may still be a chance that it could be Japanese.

Now I don't think so.

I just compared it to the 300 Kanji in the book that I am currently learning from, and it doesn't even come close to any of them.

Further more I figured if it were a Japanese Kanji it probably wouldn't be something you would learn from a common textbook.

As such I figured that the most likely place one would find a Kanji they would use, are Kanji that would be used for tattoos, as those Kanji would be the type one would use for a guild symbol in a game like GW.

So I compared it to the 500 popular tattoo Kanji on this site:


As well as the Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Heavenly Virtues, Zodiac Signs, Seven Codes of Bushido, and the Five Elements.

No matches or anything that even looks close.

Now the thing with Japanese Kanji is that even though there are thousands of different symbols you can use they still use common strokes and designs to make up the Kanji. The ones used in this picture don't look like any of the ones that are used. Even if you take into account really crappy rendering of the characters, they still don't come close to anything in Japanese Kanji.

I thought that it might be something like Factions so I looked up the Kanji for that specifically and found the following:


The first character looks slightly like the Kanji used for school, but it would still be stretching it. And even then the second character used is just crap and it doesn't look like anything.

So my best guess is if Anet actually wished it to be anything more than gibberish, it would probably be "Factions" in Canthan.


awesome sauce

awesome sauce

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

Read it sideways. It almost looks like EaUlt.
Edit: I take that back. It looks more like "EartH"

Plushie Penguin

Plushie Penguin

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

That plushie penguin on a shelf in your bed room


"If you can read this, lay off the weed"
It just may not mean anything at all, just something to look at...


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


Originally Posted by Sereng Amaranth
It says....

"Snape kills Dumbledore."
We have a winner!!!1



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

a box

I hop around


its not korean cuz it Korean letters are different looking. thier more straight lines and circleish. thats jap of chines or none at all. i want to know what that is becouse i used it on my cappe and i dont know whatt its is but i usjed is cuz it clooked cool.

omg i had so many typos but i was too lazy to fix them



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by KiyaKoreena
One, its not Korean. Korean is VERY distinctive from Chinese and Japanese, you really shouldnt be getting them confused. It isnt too hard to learn to read and write the Korean alphabet....remembering what the words actually mean is the hard part. ;-)

The characters ARE part of an actual language. Though parts of it can be read in Chinese, it really doesnt make too much sense. I have the feeling someone that can read Japanese would be able to translate it.

Please people, if you dont actually know what it is then dont make mis-information replies.
Only if you have some familiarity with asiatic languages...
I have none, thought it most likely Korean, had no clue then, still dont now, but Ill take your word that its not Korean.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Okay, quick and dirty east-Asian writing system lesson!

Chinese is pretty cryptic:

Japanese has often similar cryptic letters (kanji letters, which are derived from Chinese hanzi letters, they often have the same meaning, but sometimes.. they don't) The giveaway is the much more simplistic katakana and hiragana letters:

Korean thenagain, looks entirely different. Their writing system favors round shapes much more, making it easy to identify:


vvv- That's what I thought, the spacing between the letters was odd and the letter design overall looked bit off.

Andrea DS

Andrea DS

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

Hong Kong Force


I am from hongkong and i am 100% sure to tell you that, that is NOT asian language.

it is just a cathan design.



Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Andrea DS
I am from hongkong and i am 100% sure to tell you that, that is NOT asian language.

it is just a cathan design.
Well, glad to clear that up. It's still a nice-looking cape, though.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


"Sometimes a banana is just a banana" - Sigmund Freud



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by Mournblade
"Sometimes a banana is just a banana" - Sigmund Freud
It would appear so...

Thanks for the help everyone. Wasn't expecting such a mass response.

Riken Chrono

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

around the corner and up the block


ZOMG SNAPE KILLED DUMBLEDORE!??! NO WAI! it says dumbledore is not dead.

he really isnt, theres a whole site that shows that snape didnt kill him >_>

im pretty sure it says "O Wow"

eternal pho


Join Date: Nov 2005

The Licious Fame Farmers {TLG}


Well, sometimes people just get mixed up with languages and assume that they're right.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


You can't get this on a cape it was photoshoped or done with paint.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by Age
You can't get this on a cape it was photoshoped or done with paint.
You better go check the guild emblemer... He's got a lot of new designs again, including the one in OP ;b



Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Age
You can't get this on a cape it was photoshoped or done with paint.
Age, check your facts before you post anything. Please.