Hi Folk's
I am a recent convert to GW after being a slave to WoW for almost 2 years. I thought I would share my views about the 2 games, and tell you why I think that GW's come out a winner. (In my books)
(Alot of this may not make sense to those who have not played WoW before, but ill try be as simplistic as possible)
Before I start, I have been playing WoW since early Beta 16th September 04'. I have 2 main characters,
60 Paladin (Full tier 2 , 2/5 tier 2.5) <-- Top end gear that requires 40 people to obtain.
60 Rogue (Full tier 1 , 3/8 Tier 2) <-- Top end gear that requires 40 people to obtain.
First off, Why did I start playing Guild Wars all of a sudden?
The guild that I was in dis-banded , this left me with no desire to join another , thus meaning I was doomed to stand around and do nothing untill the expansion. I searched the web for a decent MMO to get into untill that time, so that I wouldn't be bored out of my brains.
A quick IGN search gave me Guild Wars Factions, one of the highest rating MMO's on the website , and I soon learnt it was free to play. So I took a trip to my local EB Games and purchased it. That was to be one of the greatest decisions iv'e made.
World of Warcraft: Pros
>Seemless Landscape , huge and expansive.
>Leveling is fun and looong , the amount of quests is amazing
>Crafting system is fun, to a point where the next level of materials you need are from raids.
Been playing for 2 years and thats all I liked about it. How sad.
World of Warcraft: Cons
>You hit a brickwall at 60, there is no substitue for raiding. Raid or die.
>PvP gets boring quick, same 3 battlegrounds, grinding away for mediocre items that are dwarfed by everything you can get from raids.
>Next to no casual content, although blizzard are trying desperately to hold onto that part of the player base, there futile attempts are not enough to cover up there favouritism of raiders.
>Honour and Ranks, the biggest grind in the game, to get to rank 14 can require up to 10+hrs of pvp all day every day. Not worth it anymore, as the gear is all dwarfed by new fancy raiding gear.
>No world pvp, Blizzard killed it by adding civillians who offer a penalty when you kill them. And they have no plans to change this.
>Player Base, easliy the most immature of them all, 12 year smart asses and elitist jerks. It's are to find an in-between.
>Animation, horrible compared to GW's, very robotic and stiff.
>Content, offered in one mass serving every few months.
>Customer support, horrible to say the least, apart from some nice ingame GM's , your sever can be down for upto a week, and not get much more than a "Were terribly sorry".
>Server Stability, often lagged and slow.
>World of static-craft. The game world (apart from the AQ gates) has not changed an inch since realese. Blows immersion.
>Monthly fee.
Im sure there is more, can't thing of anything at the moment.
Guild Wars: Pros
>Story line and quest line.
>Animation is fluid and beatifull, trees sway in the wind, hair blows in the breeze, breats wobble up and down. Fighting seems like actual combat.
>Henchmen! I really love these guys, always there when you need them, you could complete the whole game without even partying with another person.
>Missions, actual objectives with bonuses and rewards based on how good you are. Very challenging at times.
>Titles, something to work for which you can show off to others, be known for your accomplishments within the game. And theres plenty.
>PvP is fun and fast, being rewarded with skills and factions points, aswell as the right to own certain bits of the battlefield. Something that should have been in WoW. Guild Wars PvP is superior to all other MMORPG's on the market.
>Fast Travel, great way to move throughout the world without having to waste money on flights or boat rides etc. The novelty in WoW wore off around lvl 20, then you dread having to go from one end of the continent to the other.
>Graphics, stunning to say the least, a true testement to Anet and proof that it can be done for MMORPGS. Water is reflective , textures are crisp and sharp, beautifully crafted expanisve vista's. Spells look great. The Jade Sea is the most beautifull envionment ive seen in any game. A true master peice. Give me faux realism over cartoonish any day.
>Dye! Great way to be an individual, or stand out in the crowd. WoW should have had this.
>Content, in terms of total content, WoW wins, but in terms of content being added constantly. Guild Wars wins.
>Immersion is easy , with such beautiful character models, stunning scenery and fluid animation. It's hard not to be drawn into the fantastic world.
>Proffesion changing.
The list does go on, but these are my main points.
Guild Wars: Cons
>Lack of pve content compared to WoW.
>No official forums
>No Auction house
>Cut Scenes, I think there not needed. And also way too long at in some points.
>No binding system. Quest items are pawned off for incredibly amounts of money. Hopefully Nightfall changes this.
>Need more feedback from Anet, about upcoming changes and content etc.
>Low resolution in cities, while I do know this is to keep frame rates down in over crowded areas, there should be an option to enable high res for computers that can handle it.
Feel free to add your own, and feel free to flame.
WoW & GW - The Pros and Cons
My awesome psychic ability +1 (20% chance) predicts thread closure imminent!

Yeah, I mean, because this hasn't been done before.
Knightsaber Sith
well it seems that GW and WoW will be at each other's throats until one of them dies...... question being; who will die first?!

Why close such topics when WoW vs GW is such a core discussion in the mmorpg world? It's like trying to deny there are light and dark. Or left and right.
GW vs. WoW threads are getting pretty old..