whats NEW? havent played for 6months


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

So coming back to gw after like 6 months. I stopped playing about the time the GREEN items was released, then i quit. Whats been new?

I checked on my characters inv and it had a birthday present and i got a golden mini shiro. I used it outside of town and it doesnt do anything? it just runs around with me. whats the use of this item?

Also, how is gw factions? Is it worth buying? Do you transfer your characters from GW to GW factions?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Mini Shiro is just a decoration for your character. You could sell it, as it doesn't do much. I think he can still fetch upwards of 100k.

As for Factions, I won't give my opinion on it, seeing that there's an entire sub-forum dedicated to it. You can transfer your characters from Prophecies to Factions though.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Then agian you could always wait for Nightfall to come out in Oct.Nov. something like that.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

Well, a lot of things changed, but one thing remained constant...

People are still whining and complaining!

Ehh, prices did too



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Check some of the update info, etc.

You can bring your Prophecies toons over to Factions, but at this point I would wait for Nightfall.

55's are now all over.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

1) alot more ppl play it now
2) factions has a mixed view
3) they added tons more greens
4) chapter 1 golds are worth nxt to nothing now <fells that were worth 600k barely hit 200k these days>
5) plenty of nerfs
6) more nerfs
7) Ebay still exsists
8) bots are mating like flies
9) sup asorb is now worth jack shit
10) wammos are still dumb


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

when you say a lot more ppl play it now .. you mean the regular gw or factions? Im looking around in GW, and there isnt many players... Tombs has only 1 district with lot of people, before it used to be around 3 full districts. Lions arch used to be the place where many ppl spam trade, now its empty. Wheres all the action at?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Overall, there are more players. They are all mostly in Factions.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

tomb of primeval kings is now a lame green farming area if you didnt know that

kaineng dist1 in factions is now THE spam capital

they added "titles" aswell

Legendary Shiz

Legendary Shiz

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by woodyfly
when you say a lot more ppl play it now .. you mean the regular gw or factions? Im looking around in GW, and there isnt many players... Tombs has only 1 district with lot of people, before it used to be around 3 full districts. Lions arch used to be the place where many ppl spam trade, now its empty. Wheres all the action at?
Which tombs are you talking about?

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

another thing

almost any item that isnt close to having perfect "inherant" mods is now purple

example: fellblade req8 14^50 would now in 99% cases be PURPLE sometimes they do drop as golds but rarely

the drop rate for golds has been increased but so has the chance of getting a gold with no inherant mod

there is now 20/20 sundering (10/10 is now merch food)
perfect mods are everywere

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Lion's Arch D1 is still more or less the trade capital of the world; but there isn't always so many districts as there used to be


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

what are these things i see under peoples name? sometimes a little box drops down and it shows their name and things like "Unlucky:2" , "Tyria explorer : 60%", etc etc.

Sentao Nugra

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Crystal Lake, Illinois

Grenths Rejects [GR]

Check this post:


P.S. Those would be titles, introduced with GW:Factions.