If their isn't i think the idea of having a Baby Turtle like the ones from Gaylas Hatchery would be a nice special pet. When they start lvl from lvl 1 or whatever level they would be at when you first charmed them they would start to grow. I dont mean like you would end up with a HUGE siege turtle or anything. More like the turtle you see leading a Luxon Traveler(they are located traveling in between Matuu Keep and the first luxon mission which the name of just slipped my mind). The size of this turtle might even be to big. But I thought thier should be some sort of special pet for the Luxons.
A quest for this would be given from Gaylas Hatchery or Levathan Pits seeming how they deal the most with the turtles. It would be a quest in which you would have to kill Outcast who are torturing thier recently stolen turtle. You would have to attack an Outcast basecamp and kill everyone thier. Then you would have to escort the turtle back the the origin of the quest while getting attacked by the Outcasts who see the turtle as a way to combat the Luxons even more efficiantly. An NPC would be standing outside in front of the portal of the town. After talking to him and getting the reward for the quest he would tell you that that the turle had been the runt of the baby turtles and that he wouldn't become big enough to become a siege turtle or a carrying turtle(or whatever they use them for) and would need a new home and offer the baby turtle to you.
That is my idea please tell me what you think of it and critique it and add to it.