Can you ascend in Tyria if you're a Canthan char?



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Ryders of the Sword


I have heard both storys but havn't tryed it....and I am already at the desert with my new little ele.... I would like to know the facts.....


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


yes, you can ascend in tyria with a canthan character



Hall Hero

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I thought you couldn't I know you can go to the mesa to fight the doppleganger but you don't get all the points as well as the extra 15 attribute quest.It really doesn't mean anything to a Canthan Char. though not as much a Tyrian Char.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

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Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


I think you have to ascend your canthan characters or you can't go to uw/fow through toa (I assume not sure). And the 15 att point quests aren't actually a part of ascending even though you have to before you get them (and canthans do both of them on shing jea anyway).

On a side note; if you're ascending an assassin, just pour all your att points into dagger mastery and critical strikes. You don't even need to take any skills, just wail on him.



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I would say they already get access to that part of the game mean the UW and the FoW.It is just they need to get to ToPK by fighting the dopple.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

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Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


lol I had to stare at my monitor for like two minutes before I realized ToPK=tombs



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Ryders of the Sword

E/ if I havn't done any of the missions on the main island in Cantha.....and I go do all the desert missions in Tyria....and ascend.....I will be able to go to FoW and UW?



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Nope as you won't be ascended you have to complete in an order and get those mission on Island and the 2 others on the Mainland first.This is a lot easier and faster than it is for Tryian char.It doesn't make a differnece you need those 2 missions on the mainland first and then just go and fight the dopple and get to the Dragons lair and ToPK.



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Ryders of the Sword


poo then.......just poo

I pwnd U

I pwnd U

God of Spammers

Join Date: Oct 2005

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Scars Meadows [SMS] (Officer)

Actually if i remmeber correctly one of the missions in Cantha is like ascending. I think it might be Nahpuli mission. But yes you can ascend a canthan char in tyria. i did it with my sin.



Wilds Pathfinder

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Originally Posted by I pwnd U
Actually if i remmeber correctly one of the missions in Cantha is like ascending. I think it might be Nahpuli mission. But yes you can ascend a canthan char in tyria. i did it with my sin.
It is indeed Nahpui Quarter. Once you pass that mission, you become "Weh no Su" or... ascended. Then once you reach Zin Ku Corridor, you can access UW and FoW. Or get yourself to ToA, which I recommend anyway, because more people leave from ToA than Zin Ku.



Wilds Pathfinder

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Originally Posted by thelastunicorn if I havn't done any of the missions on the main island in Cantha.....and I go do all the desert missions in Tyria....and ascend.....I will be able to go to FoW and UW?
Actually, I think you can. Ascending in Tyria by defeating the Doppelganger has exactly the same benefits for a Canthan char as it has for a Tyrian: You get 50k XP, are transported to Dragon's Lair and the Tyrian secondary profession quests become availible. I haven't actually tried if it will allow you to go UW/FoW yet, but I see no reason why it shouldn't.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


I completed Ascension with my Ritualist lst night.

Although its not necessary for access into FoW or UW you get:-
50K XP
1K XP - Bonus
100 XP - Dopple dying
Transport to Dragons Lair
And i noticed a brief flash of "Monk's Path completed" as that was my secondary.

NPCs such as Glint still refer to you as Ascended, although you do not unlock the 15 Attr quests, it would be a lil unfair if you did, dont you think?



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Originally Posted by eightyfour-onesevenfive
Actually, I think you can. Ascending in Tyria by defeating the Doppelganger has exactly the same benefits for a Canthan char as it has for a Tyrian: You get 50k XP, are transported to Dragon's Lair and the Tyrian secondary profession quests become availible. I haven't actually tried if it will allow you to go UW/FoW yet, but I see no reason why it shouldn't.
Well if this is the case can't you take your Tryrian Char. and ascend them in Cantha that means getting the Sing Jea Island and doing the 2 15 attribute quests as well as the mission on the Island.Then go to the mainland and doing the quests and mission to finally ascend.I see this as fair as fair if Canthans can ascend in Tryia.Tryrian should be able to ascend in Cantha.



Wilds Pathfinder

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Originally Posted by Age
Well if this is the case can't you take your Tryrian Char. and ascend them in Cantha that means getting the Sing Jea Island and doing the 2 15 attribute quests as well as the mission on the Island.Then go to the mainland and doing the quests and mission to finally ascend.I see this as fair as fair if Canthans can ascend in Tryia.Tryrian should be able to ascend in Cantha.
I see no reason why this shouldn't work either, although I haven't tried it. You should be able to bring a Tyrian to Cantha, do the Nahpui Quarters mission and benefit from all there is to ascension, too.

The attribute quests however are not directly linked to ascension. In Cantha for example they happen well before Nahpui Quarter. Only in Tyria the second one, Hero's Challenge, is linked to ascension in such as it requires one of the second attribute quests which become availible only after defeating the Doppelganger. Apart from that, any character can only do the attribute quests on his home continent.