After Prophecy? Thoughts about Nightfall...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006



Have a question about Nightfall.

When I "sometime" finish Prophecy-campaign, should I go straight ahead to Nightfall then ? And skip Factions.

And if i finish Prophecy in "let´s say 2-3 mounts from now" will Nightfall still be fun to play then ? With ALOT of ppl playing it still.

Or what you think about it ?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Depends on a lot of variables you left out, your prefered playstyle for example. Factions is more PvP and has some really poor PvE; which is the same thing over and over again. Quests are boring and very repetative; generally taking place in teh same zone or a couple of zones doing nothing but back tracking... which forces mobs to respawn so you get to kill them yet again. Mob groups are always "balanced" so it's like fighting the same mobs in different skins over and over. So if you play and enjoy more PvP with a little bit of PvE then you might like Factions.
Nightfall isn't out yet, and we were also told at one point that Factions had some great role playing and PvE in it. So before buying Nightfall, it may be wise to wait till after release and see some reviews on it.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


If you're more pve focused; you should probably skip to Nightfall; maybe come back to Factions if you want. As to whether or not it will still be fun; well we'll have to see if it's fun at all in the first place. But if it's good; there should be plenty of people for pug's.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006



Im more of a PvE player, so I guess I will wait for Nightfall.