New weapons upgrade: +1 energy or +1 health regeneration
crash cilea
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Aug 2005
Only For Fun
20 Aug 2006 at 12:24 - 1
Hi all !
Why not to introduce weapons (and powerup) that gives +1 of regeneration of energy or health?
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Sep 2005
Clan Union [Uni]
20 Aug 2006 at 12:31 - 2
That would be seriously unbalanced... Casters with 5 pip regen, wammos with +4 ... imagine the 55hp monks then
Grotto Attendant
Join Date: Feb 2006
North Kryta Province
Angel Sharks [As]
20 Aug 2006 at 13:02 - 3
I dunno, I could see it... It would just have to have a dowside to balance it. For instance, maybe you only get either one on an offhand (not a shield), and the +1 energy regen would have -10 energy total, the +1 health regen would have -30 health total. Or something close to that. Could work, methinks.
Kai Nui
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Aug 2005
Behind you with a knife
Celebrity Gangsters [FamE]
20 Aug 2006 at 13:41 - 4
Or make energy storage give you bips of energy regen instead, it'd make more sense.
falling demon
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Jun 2006
Dawn's Omen {Leader}
20 Aug 2006 at 14:18 - 5
well we have -1 pip, +15 e, why not -20 e, +1 pip (IMO pips are better, so you'd need a bigger difference.
this would be brilliant for FastCast pressure builds like flare and stone dagger spamming Me/E's
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Jan 2006
20 Aug 2006 at 14:52 - 6
I think there will be no +1 energy reg mode
Hp mode is bigger chance
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Apr 2006
Apathetic Eaters of Babies
20 Aug 2006 at 15:06 - 7
-20e +1pip...
great, 10 energy but 5pip regen. no thanks.
Hell's Protector
Join Date: Oct 2005
20 Aug 2006 at 15:14 - 8
Regen mods should belong on armor, not weapons. :x