Gold Avicara Armor
Sir Loino Beef
Question- what is it and what is it used for? Closest I can find out is that it's used to identify runes. Is it used only for runes or can it be used to identify anything like a kit does? Are they used just once or no? Please help.
Numa Pompilius
All armors you find whose description is in colored text (gold, purple or blue) contain a rune. You use an identification kit to determine which rune is in the armor, then use an EXPERT salvage kit to free the rune from the armor. You can then, if it's of an appropriate type for your class, use it on your own armor, or you can sell it to a rune trader (do not sell to the merchant, rune traders pay much better).
PS: you MUST use an expert salvage kit! Ordinary salvage kits wont salvage the rune!
PS: you MUST use an expert salvage kit! Ordinary salvage kits wont salvage the rune!
Sir Loino Beef
So the armor I see being sold just hold a possible rune to be salvaged and it is not used to identify other items like a kit?
Just be sure that the rune is worth salvaging before you do. Most armor you find with runes is worth more at the merchant than the rune itself. Check with your local rune trader for prices!
Actually before selling runes to the Rune Trader check the buying prices first (from the Rune Trader) as a lot of Gold Runes are worth 100g at the Rune Trader which means he will give you 10g for it or something. Selling the Unsalvaged rune to a merchant will give you a better deal.
As an example:
1) I find a gold unid, unsalved rune.
2) I ID it
3) I get something like a Superior Fast Casting rune, price on rune is say 328g
4) If I then use an Expert ID Kit on it it will of course become the rune and then be worth 10g from rune trader
So sometimes selling the UNsalved rune to merchant gives you a better deal than rune trader.
I hope this helps...
As an example:
1) I find a gold unid, unsalved rune.
2) I ID it
3) I get something like a Superior Fast Casting rune, price on rune is say 328g
4) If I then use an Expert ID Kit on it it will of course become the rune and then be worth 10g from rune trader
So sometimes selling the UNsalved rune to merchant gives you a better deal than rune trader.
I hope this helps...
if you see gold armor being sold before it's been idenitified then it is probably just for someone going for the wisdom title. Some people going for that track will buy unid golds rather than go find them themselves.
Originally Posted by Sir Loino Beef
So the armor I see being sold just hold a possible rune to be salvaged and it is not used to identify other items like a kit?
Since you asked specifically about Avicara Armor I'm guessing you've been to droks and seen the sellers there. I suggest you don't buy from them as most (if not all?) are bots who've been farming north of Granite Citadel. The armours they sell are used for getting the Seeker of Wisdom title (identify golden items) and for getting runes, if you're lucky you can get a superior vigor rune from it saving you 40k.