The Gwenmister.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Crimson Skullfuks


Despite searching madly, I failed to find a decent thread about gwen.

Tell us your conspiracy theories on gwen. To all the people who simply beleive she died, don't bother posting unless it isnt preaching a different theory. Also, no huge mind numbing stories about her, just opinion of what happened to her.

You could link this to:

Evil gwen from beta
Gwens mother in UW
Gaile saying to hang on the the tapestry shreds
The cutscene did not actually show you gwen dying.

Try to keep it particularly serious, avoiding the 'OMFG GWEN IS THE MENZIES IN DISGUIZEZSSZSES'


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

no where

Lords of the Abyss [LORD]


anyone try giving the tapestry shred to her mom yet?

Buns United

Buns United

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Holland, ZHZ


Originally Posted by taco_salad
anyone try giving the tapestry shred to her mom yet?
Would you have any idea at all on how to do that?

Vote 'Yes' for BunniesĀ© as Pets!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

no where

Lords of the Abyss [LORD]



I mean get her shred then go to the UW and just talk to her.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Crimson Skullfuks


Yeah I tired that with all 3 flutes, small girl cape, tapestry shred. Not worked yet. Theories plz.

Canadian Bacon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ontario, Canada

Kingdom of Tyria [KoT]

You failed to find a thread about Gwen?

Search function FTW.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Crimson Skullfuks


Originally Posted by Canadian Bacon
You failed to find a thread about Gwen?

Search function FTW.
Congratulations, you've just done exactly what I did: found a load of threads where no one is suggesting a theory thread on her, those of which are suggesting theory threads have been locked. The others have no relevancy to do with theories on gwen. Good job.

Canadian Bacon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ontario, Canada

Kingdom of Tyria [KoT]

Well, I know for a fact that this has been discussed to death before.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


You might try using that thread to start your discussion, instead of opening another. You seem to be doing a lot of that. :P



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Originally Posted by Mrscoombes
Congratulations, you've just done exactly what I did: found a load of threads where no one is suggesting a theory thread on her, those of which are suggesting theory threads have been locked. The others have no relevancy to do with theories on gwen. Good job.
They're locked because there is no proof on the fate of gwen, except the standard which is what happens when a ball of fire lands on a young girl.

Gwen having some super mystery is just a fan-born occurance, built out of giddy ideas and thus has no foundation, sending it inevitably offtopic. It's a joke similar to that of the might of echo mending.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Lancaster- northern England old chap!

Warriors Of The Flaming Fist [WFF]


Gwen's actually part of a secret society called 'The Red Iris' But the Ascalonian government hushed it up.



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

They used her to conduct the Open Event massacre because nobody checks children for high-explosive devices.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Crimson Skullfuks


I tried to say if you want to beleive she didn't die, then don't bother posting about it but no, no-one listened. I guess i'll just have to redirect you to the threads purpose - Post your theories about gwen. Do not post 'She didnt die'
As that just puts the thread down. Don't give a dumbass opinion like 'She is in my fridge.'

If you are not in this thread to fulfill it's purpose, the good idea would be to go to a different one. If you must flame - sit at your computer and shout obsceneties at the screen instead of posting it here.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

in my GH

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Originally Posted by Mrscoombes
Yeah I tired that with all 3 flutes, small girl cape, tapestry shred. Not worked yet. Theories plz.
There is also the Tattered Girl's Cape, which can be found north of Sanctum Cay, on the way to Fisherman's Haven. Did you try that as well?

I think all these items DO have some purpose, but there just isn't any game content for it yet. They might add a quest in the UW from Gwen's mom someday. That's what I think (and hope for).



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Lancaster- northern England old chap!

Warriors Of The Flaming Fist [WFF]


Originally Posted by Sjeng
I think all these items DO have some purpose, but there just isn't any game content for it yet. They might add a quest in the UW from Gwen's mom someday. That's what I think (and hope for).
Perhaps it was something that was never implemented, rather than something that will be put in. Does anyone know if any of these items had any significance in the beta event??


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Crimson Skullfuks


How on earth would gwen's cape get from out in ashford town near the hog farm, to outside sanctum cay? I think that was just a rouse, or perhaps they didn't mean it at all to get tangled with Gwen.



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

I don't recall the cape being labelled 'Gwen's Cape', there is more than one girl in all of Tyria

Chilly Ress

Chilly Ress

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Kinetic Fusion [kF]


Originally Posted by Avarre
They're locked because there is no proof on the fate of gwen, except the standard which is what happens when a ball of fire lands on a young girl.

Gwen having some super mystery is just a fan-born occurance, built out of giddy ideas and thus has no foundation, sending it inevitably offtopic. It's a joke similar to that of the might of echo mending.

That shouldnt stop us from discussing what we think happened/may happen...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


Originally Posted by Mrscoombes
I tried to say if you want to beleive she didn't die, then don't bother posting about it but no, no-one listened. I guess i'll just have to redirect you to the threads purpose - Post your theories about gwen. Do not post 'She didnt die'
As that just puts the thread down. Don't give a dumbass opinion like 'She is in my fridge.'

If you are not in this thread to fulfill it's purpose, the good idea would be to go to a different one. If you must flame - sit at your computer and shout obsceneties at the screen instead of posting it here.

So basically your saying "post your theories as long as your theory is in someway linked to mine that she survived, if, in your opinion and theory is that she died, then I want nothing to do with that even though it is a valid theory as all proof (what with her lack of being found) points to her being dead"

Personally I believe she probably died, most theories people suggest are bogus, or are based upon achieving the highly unlikely, I recall one about talking all 3 flutes, the cape, the tapestry to UW, clearing and blah blah blah.

This has been done to death, I see no reason why, unless Anet decide to go back to a prophecies nearby location for a later chapter, that she would still be alive.

I mean it is fully possible that she will turn up in Nightfall, rushed south, over the mountains and through the desert to Elona by a runner who charged 10K so she the apparently only child of Ascalon could survive the slaughter.

Or possibly the grawl kidnapped her? who knows or cares?



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006




You all know what happened in the beta test weekend right? When gwen turned mad!!

well... i think that this could be one explanation, in the print screens & moovies of those moments she says that becase of us didnt save her from the searing (her i mean the city, her family & friends etc) she was going to kill us as an act of revenge.

maybe arena net erased that from the game ( at least untill now).

oh & bye the way, can yu remember of one very similar character of gwen? One that also used fire magic as a child against the charr to revenge her family?

CYNN! she could have been the replacement of gwen for the post searing... i dont think that they are actually related cause cynn has a written past but the trueth is that they are very similar...

I like this theme i think im going to search more about it.

for those who never seen the movie:

(yu can see the movies & print screans in the end of the page but yu can aswell read all, if yu havent done so already)



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

The end of the beta events aren't canon with regards to storylines, they're set for fun


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006

Runners of Fury


gwen is the evil little girl from: the ring, ring2 and mostly F.E.A.R



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006




Originally Posted by Avarre
The end of the beta events aren't canon with regards to storylines, they're set for fun
I whant to have fun aswell....

Well, the trueth is...besides this & her UW mother this is all we got about her after the searing.

I think that this arenanet joke can actually have a small bit of what really happened to the lovely gwen.

but as i promissed, search about this will be my free time ocupation for a while & every now & then...

I think ill start by visite her mother with the post searing gwen itens (since she whants to know what happened to her sister in the searing), actually ill take the pre sear aswell, just in case.

Well ill keep in touch.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Norwich, UK.


Originally Posted by Blazing
oh & bye the way, can yu remember of one very similar character of gwen? One that also used fire magic as a child against the charr to revenge her family?

CYNN! she could have been the replacement of gwen for the post searing... i dont think that they are actually related cause cynn has a written past but the trueth is that they are very similar...

Cynn is actually in pre-searing though. She's up near Prince Rurik, when you try and speak to her she says she's waiting for her Father if I remember correctly.

Also, the difference between pre and post searing is only 2 years, so it would of been unlikely for Gwen to have become Cynn in 2 years.

I agree there are resemblances in character though..



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Could it be Gwen was actually dead to begin with? If she's dead and has the power to escape from the underworld she could manifest herself anytime. Maybe she was already killed in the searing, but since time isn't linear in the afterlife she came back to try to save her beloved Ascalon, but couldn't and blamed us?


I can also see the resemblances between Gwen and Cynn, but saying they're the same seems a bit off. Cynn is 18 years old pre-searing, gwen can't be more then 10.

Pick Me

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Thornill, ON, Canada



Gwen is a monk in progress. She heals when she has her flute equipped.

Perhaps she did die in the great cataclysm, or perhaps she somehow survived. She could be an immortal, she could be a god, but I doubt she is a disguised form of someone else (ie: Glint, an agent of some deity, etc.).

Honestly, I think she is nothing more than a character to remind people that this is just a fun game.

Cherng Butter

Cherng Butter

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006


The Mirror Of Reason [SNOW]


Guild Wars Elona Nightfall

I read that somewhere on another forum, forget which one, but I thought it was interesting. Something about a fallen god in Nightfall, so you can see where it could go XD

Neriandal Freit

Neriandal Freit

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Spiral of The Red Rose, Kryta (Columbus, IN)

Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


Originally Posted by Cherng Butter
Guild Wars Elona Nightfall

I read that somewhere on another forum, forget which one, but I thought it was interesting. Something about a fallen god in Nightfall, so you can see where it could go XD
Wow, that is ingenious lol. That is such a dorky and huge possiblity to an extent because it's something we dont expect.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006




I actually forgot that Cynn was there & that the place where she was is one of my favourites, watching the charr batles

Anyway (plz forgive my memmory)..

About that Guild Wars Elona Nightfall:i hope she enters in it, i think is hightly probable due that the Prophecies team is doing Nightfall & cause elona is very close of Tyria (hello next door guy...)

That fallen god thing: gods have parents? I mean in this mithology.

Im actually playing this game over & over enjoying it but also having hight attention to GWEN details arount the game world that could have missed the yey of other people.

omg glint is a girl mistery solved lolol, liked that one Pick me

Sooo... We will w8 as always for our litle gwen, trying to guess what happened to her until the moment that happens..

Good Luck for all with that, i know ill need it

Giga Strike

Giga Strike

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

stranded in vabbi this time

None [N/A]

i doubt there is a conspiracy behind the guild wars elona nightfall thing, just a coincidence u came up with. as for the tattered girls cape, perhaps gwens family made a run for kryta at the first sign of the charr invasion. maybe they were captured and held captive by the charr as they made their way across the shiverpeaks, but were saved by the white mantle.

Scorpion Boy

Scorpion Boy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

So she would be a White Mantle now..And we might've been slaying her in those Kryta missions O.o