Show off your Photoshop Skills (Don't post Forum Signatures)
Lord Sojar
I have noticed a lot of pretty talented people on here with photoshop, so I wanted to put in my two cents, see what you guys thought. I have taught myself photoshop, and consider myself an apprentice at best. I haven't done anything in the way of guildwars, but, I do tinker around in general. But I decided to give a Screenie from GWs a go, and wanted it to be dark, off color, and have a message in it. So I give you guys a before and after of my ele, Govannon Syphideous outside Elona Reach.
Before the editting its a pretty cool screenie, but I think the after edit is far better, hope you guys like it.
Before the editting its a pretty cool screenie, but I think the after edit is far better, hope you guys like it.
Juno Onuj
thats very cool. good work.
LiQuId StEeL
Very snazzy
Nellas Tiwele
I agree. That's very nice work!
Senator Tom
Since I don't have Photoshop I've become very skilled using mspaint
Lord Sojar
Thx Guys, I will post more of my work in this thread. I may start a service where I will do one for one person each week also. I am going to do one for my necro tonight. I will post it here.
That effect kinda reminds me of glyph of elemental power, it's got that same lightning thing going on for that
Lord Sojar
Yeh, it does doesn't it. Didn't think of that. Oh well. But either way, I used Tenai's Wind to create the ingame effect. The rest was all effects.
Riken Chrono
looks great i'd love to see that animation ingame
Lord Sojar
As an update, I have been working for about 1.5 hrs now with extracting many many layers from various screenies with my necro. Here is my progress so far. I guess this will be a good way to show how to make it without so many words. Enjoy what I have thus far.
Lord Sojar
Here is my progress. Still FAR FROM DONE. But it is getting better!
The first thing I thought of when I saw the above picture was that it looks like she's being thrown out of some kind of portal.
First pic : great.
Second pic in progress : amazing =D
Second pic in progress : amazing =D
-Old 3FL-
1st pic i think you could have done more to the text than just added to outer glow effect.
as well as bevel and emboss
as well as bevel and emboss
Electric Sky
<---- looking forward to see more
^ Agreed, its looking totally awesome! Necro is beautiful allrdy, and its not even finished 0.o
-Old 3FL-
Save your pics under the .png format! PLEASE!
its the best quality
and saves transparency
unless u got animation got for the .gif format.
its the best quality
and saves transparency
unless u got animation got for the .gif format.
heres what i did when i was bored on lunch break... i didn't have much time so nothing fancy here... just some gamma adjusting and some text ^_^. I was looking more in to the photography rather than the photoshoping... i think i took a very artistic pic .
Originally Posted by -Old 3FL-
Save your pics under the .png format! PLEASE!
its the best quality
and saves transparency
unless u got animation got for the .gif format. you are right the quality is best preserved and it is 2nd generation to the GIF format but not ALL browsers support it. Compatablity is the problem. I prefer png myself though sometimes it is very hard to notice the quality difference unless you're a perfectionist.
its the best quality
and saves transparency
unless u got animation got for the .gif format. you are right the quality is best preserved and it is 2nd generation to the GIF format but not ALL browsers support it. Compatablity is the problem. I prefer png myself though sometimes it is very hard to notice the quality difference unless you're a perfectionist.
So far all of the pics in this thread look great! good work guys!
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by llsektorll
heres what i did when i was bored on lunch break... i didn't have much time so nothing fancy here... just some gamma adjusting and some text ^_^. I was looking more in to the photography rather than the photoshoping... i think i took a very artistic pic .
you are right the quality is best preserved and it is 2nd generation to the GIF format but not ALL browsers support it. Compatablity is the problem. I prefer png myself though sometimes it is very hard to notice the quality difference unless you're a perfectionist. Gorgeous work man. Your necro is as sexy as mine!
Here is my finished (although half assed) Necro pic. Enjoy!
you are right the quality is best preserved and it is 2nd generation to the GIF format but not ALL browsers support it. Compatablity is the problem. I prefer png myself though sometimes it is very hard to notice the quality difference unless you're a perfectionist. Gorgeous work man. Your necro is as sexy as mine!
Here is my finished (although half assed) Necro pic. Enjoy!
Err, long did you say that took to make altougether ?
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by Ermac
Err, long did you say that took to make altougether ?
The ele took more time, I got impatient with my necro, that's why its not nearly as good.
Ele = 2 hrs
Necro = 1.5hrs (due to having to cut and expand like 9 layers...)
Ele = 2 hrs
Necro = 1.5hrs (due to having to cut and expand like 9 layers...)
Rahja nice job... i like the design, but the skulls are a bit over doing it ^_^... great work none the less... i use to do some cg photoshoping back in the day but i suxorz now... what can i say expect gw robbed me of my time
Quid Pro Quo
Lord Sojar
Gorgeous job Quid, I like that fire effect, like holy fire. Perfect work you have there!
Scorpion Boy
Hmm what Photoshop Program are you guys using. (I have been searching for one for a very long time now. Very nice work btw.
Sister Brianne
So....You know what would be great...A tutorial on some techniques used do do this cool stuff because I wanna impress my friends too.
About your necro pic...I think your "work in progress" one is far, far better than the finished product. The finished pic seems a bit 'overdone', meaning there seems to be too much to it.
The green fog everywhere blocks the beautiful colors of the red rock background. Maybe you could make the green look more transparent, as to look more fog-like and not block out the background so much.
The skulls do not seem to fit smoothly into the pic and are kind of distracting. Maybe if you made them smaller and they were somehow more "connected" to the necro somehow? Maybe swirling around her or coming from her outstretched hands?
I also think the green portal looked much better in the work in progress with out the added wing looking things.
Bascially I think the work in progress is pretty darned good and that sometime more is not better. You can say a lot by adding less.
PLEASE don't take this as me criticizing your work, cause I think it is very good work. Think of it more as a critique or feedback or input Anyhow, very good work and hope to see more of what you do!
About your necro pic...I think your "work in progress" one is far, far better than the finished product. The finished pic seems a bit 'overdone', meaning there seems to be too much to it.
The green fog everywhere blocks the beautiful colors of the red rock background. Maybe you could make the green look more transparent, as to look more fog-like and not block out the background so much.
The skulls do not seem to fit smoothly into the pic and are kind of distracting. Maybe if you made them smaller and they were somehow more "connected" to the necro somehow? Maybe swirling around her or coming from her outstretched hands?
I also think the green portal looked much better in the work in progress with out the added wing looking things.
Bascially I think the work in progress is pretty darned good and that sometime more is not better. You can say a lot by adding less.
PLEASE don't take this as me criticizing your work, cause I think it is very good work. Think of it more as a critique or feedback or input Anyhow, very good work and hope to see more of what you do!
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by beanerman_99
About your necro pic...I think your "work in progress" one is far, far better than the finished product. The finished pic seems a bit 'overdone', meaning there seems to be too much to it.
The green fog everywhere blocks the beautiful colors of the red rock background. Maybe you could make the green look more transparent, as to look more fog-like and not block out the background so much.
The skulls do not seem to fit smoothly into the pic and are kind of distracting. Maybe if you made them smaller and they were somehow more "connected" to the necro somehow? Maybe swirling around her or coming from her outstretched hands?
I also think the green portal looked much better in the work in progress with out the added wing looking things.
Bascially I think the work in progress is pretty darned good and that sometime more is not better. You can say a lot by adding less.
PLEASE don't take this as me criticizing your work, cause I think it is very good work. Think of it more as a critique or feedback or input Anyhow, very good work and hope to see more of what you do!
I realized it was overdone, but thank you for pointing it out, because no one else really did, but I got that funny feeling. Plus, when I went back and looked at it, it was totally noob looking, and I was like..uh...WTF?
So yeah, the revision should be better, but art is all about trial and error! Thx for your feedback, and don't worry, and feedback or constructive criticism is WELCOMED, I use it to improve. So don't be afraid I am going to be one of those self concious morons who freak out and threaten to commit suicide or some craziness like that.
Originally Posted by Sister Brianne
So....You know what would be great...A tutorial on some techniques used do do this cool stuff because I wanna impress my friends too.
Yeh, I don't have an issue sharing some secrets. Although, most of my stuff is a bit complex. But I think with some practice and little direction, you guys could do some awesome stuff. My first advice is to learn the fundamentals of Photoshop CS2.
Those are as follows: 1)> Extract Tool (outline what u want out of the picture. Highlight with bucket tool the insides. Clean up after extraction with a very small eraser tool. 2)> Contrast/Brightness controls to make the picture more dynamic (but dont make it too crazy) 3)> Liquify tool (play around with it, its one of the MOST POWERFUL tools in photoshop) 4)> Burn/Dodge tools (great for adding areas of light and dark contrast to photos) 5)> Blending Options (just goof around with these and you will understand the balance eventually) 6)> Color Levels (this really plays into Guildwars screenies since spells are a certain color) I will make a tutorial on my mesmer today. My mesmer picture will be the best yet, so be ready! FayeWind
This is my latest hot photo. I never do touchup with my screenshots (besides copy and paste to narrow down the background and put my name on the picture). I would like to learn it too. Does Corel Draw work the same way? I would like to have one that give me many layers so I can do different things and don't have to worry about changing the original picture.
Thanks. Lord Sojar
Photoshop CS2 and Paintshop Pro work well. I prefer Photoshop CS2 above Paintshop Pro, but it is really personal preference.
Bryant Again
I'm pretty sure I had this post in the other forum, but I still really like it: My favorite thing about it is that I made it look like he's on some sort of cliffside in a large, oceanic valley...But he's really in the Meditation Island guild hall . Brianna
shouldnt all this be posted in bethanys gallery?
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by Brianna
shouldnt all this be posted in bethanys gallery?
Possibly, but my style is very different from hers (not that her work is anything but wonderful).
This thread is devoted more towards my own portfolio, and people can add in pictures that use similar techniques. BTW guys, I finished my mesmer. So I give you, Countess Corvinas, Angel of Chaos! She bares the Wings of Lyssa, and is using Finger of Chaos! Brianna
i see, well all these pics are very nice
Sister Brianne
I'm working on something...I can't wait t opost it and get feed back.
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by Sister Brianne
I'm working on something...I can't wait t opost it and get feed back.
Can't wait to see it!
gw is a very pretty game.. if you stop and look at it... im bored of factions so i go around getting screenshots of scenery ^_^..
Sister Brianne
Alright...Here is my feeble attempt at art. I did it in a hr or so...It's nowhere near as good as theirs. I'm gonna take some nice screenies to work with. (i kinda stole Rajha's style) *edit* Did this one as well...I'm still not happy with it.... |