Originally Posted by Mera Regila
But if they charge 10k per ferry, it's a totally unfair way of making money, they abuse their power like that, they will be overthrown. No question about it. [/post]
DEEP closed (?)
Friends Title :
250,000 donated faction.
250 Jade
250x500=125,000 gold (those which are allowed to ferry have at least given away that much)
Current "cost" of cavalon.
10% Degen per day.
3,076x500=1,538,000 gold per day.
That is the cost to hold cavalon per day for the Godz alliance.
That they even ferry you there should be good enough for you.
The fact its called a "tip" and not a "fee" should make you grateful.
Only allowing members of the Godz alliance with a vested interest of time and indirect minimum monetary donation of 125,000 gold to ferry seems not only fair, but right.
Just thought I would throw that out there.
Leechers suck.
250,000 donated faction.
250 Jade
250x500=125,000 gold (those which are allowed to ferry have at least given away that much)
Current "cost" of cavalon.
10% Degen per day.
3,076x500=1,538,000 gold per day.
That is the cost to hold cavalon per day for the Godz alliance.
That they even ferry you there should be good enough for you.
The fact its called a "tip" and not a "fee" should make you grateful.
Only allowing members of the Godz alliance with a vested interest of time and indirect minimum monetary donation of 125,000 gold to ferry seems not only fair, but right.
Just thought I would throw that out there.
Leechers suck.
Its not ment to be free,stop taking everything for granted like spoiled brats!
To the O.P.: If you have been to the Deep once with your character, maybe with a taxi earlier, then there is no reason to complain about lack of taxi's for whatever reason. You visit the Deep again by being transported from your Guild Hall (or another friendly person's Guild Hall via a Guild Hall invite) using the party teleportation trick. You just have to prepare. You or one of your friends needs to have one character sitting in the Deep all the time to use as your ferry. If you didn't do this or do not have another character so far in the game to spare and leave in the Deep (and another for Urgoz), well, then you are just out of luck.
Hippie Bane
As yet another former member of the alliance that first opened Cavalon to the public, I would like to point out a couple things. First, using the "favor system" to defend the way people gain access to the elite mission is flawed logic at best, since PVP governs access to a PVE area. It is the same premise as allowing the region who has killed Glint the greatest number of times to go to Halls. Pretty ridiculous and arbitrary condition, right? Now, think about the huge amounts of faction needed to control a city. Do these people have time to make a 3+ hour Deep run? They have to grind out over 3 million faction a day, so I doubt they can make too many trips to the area they control. Therefore, the game's "elite" alliance, the one in control of the city, is the collection of players most adept at alliance battles and doing the Breaker run(oh my, how I hate the Breaker run
). Not the most overwhelming uber-leet set of credentials.
Second, major alliances have a tendency to fall apart, as was stated above. Greater alliances than Godz have splintered for far less than a dispute of who is allowed to ferry. When we were ferrying, we made it a point to refuse tips. If people must tip, keep a few spots in the roster open, add them so they can donate faction, and then they leave. It worked well. Best of all, nobody squabbled over who gets to ferry and may be tipped. I ferried a lot of people to the deep and never received a thing. I refused a lot of people. What did I receive in return? Admiration and thanks. People trusted us to not be idiots, after all, we were doing something noble for the greater good. People were talking about how great and selfless we all were. This is far better than gold or crafting materials or whatever else people tip in. If you want to be richer and soon forgotten, hint around for tips. If you want to be loved, refuse them.

Second, major alliances have a tendency to fall apart, as was stated above. Greater alliances than Godz have splintered for far less than a dispute of who is allowed to ferry. When we were ferrying, we made it a point to refuse tips. If people must tip, keep a few spots in the roster open, add them so they can donate faction, and then they leave. It worked well. Best of all, nobody squabbled over who gets to ferry and may be tipped. I ferried a lot of people to the deep and never received a thing. I refused a lot of people. What did I receive in return? Admiration and thanks. People trusted us to not be idiots, after all, we were doing something noble for the greater good. People were talking about how great and selfless we all were. This is far better than gold or crafting materials or whatever else people tip in. If you want to be richer and soon forgotten, hint around for tips. If you want to be loved, refuse them.
sir lockt
I dont want to screw the topic... but cant you just find a Kurzick taxi?
(just a crazy idea...)
(just a crazy idea...)
I honestly don't know why they don't set a price, just like there is a price to go UW or FoW. That 125g doesn't ruin anyone, does it? And UW/FoW is nothing compared to elite missions. A mandatory fee could keep complete noobs away.
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by swiftygem
I honestly don't know why they don't set a price, just like there is a price to go UW or FoW. That 125g doesn't ruin anyone, does it? And UW/FoW is nothing compared to elite missions. A mandatory fee could keep complete noobs away.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Not really. Owning a town requires the alliance to farm the crap out of things and pump faction into it. It's not a matter of voting in who should own the alliance. Just because they're mean doesn't mean shit. They have the right to do whatever the hell they want with access, whether to charge 100k +973984798574 ecto for ferries or do it for free. It's entirely up to them. You don't like it? Get an alliance together and get everyone to outfarm them in faction.
Don't like how the current rulers perform, go and take the place to yourself, do the things how you want.
And as Winx.ZN pointed out, the alliance, and all other alliances holding outposts are using their own "gold" to hold those places, losing more gold per day due to decay than average player will ever see. (Thus, with the gold they "invested" have the right to do whatever they want :b)
Dont tip them problemm solved!!!!!!
and dont accept random ppl in to your guild who cares let all ferry you still own the town your name is taged on it aint that enough you get discount on crap aint that enough.
and dont accept random ppl in to your guild who cares let all ferry you still own the town your name is taged on it aint that enough you get discount on crap aint that enough.
Alliances controlling the major cities do not have to allow other people into the elite missions, it is just popular beleif that it is a duty of these alliances. If you pay attention to gaurds by the gate of the mission, they make it very clear indeed that 'So and so controls this town, so you better scram' or something close to that.
TC started off a great revolution when they first started Taxi'ing people to the elite mission, I remember how everyone was hoping the Black blades wouldnt be able to take to control away again, a couple of my friends even joined TC just to donate faction to help.
Unfortunately now people dont seem to remember the short period of time when no one was allowed in and the holding alliances kept it all for themselves, and everyone just takes it for granted they will be able to get in.
Basically Godz put in the effort to hold the town, they can do as they please with it. Maybe they Should stop people going just to shake things up a bit
If you dont like it join in the FF'ing and do something about it, but dont take the holders for saps.
As for restricting people who can taxi others, that seems fair as well.
I woulda taken the money.
Unfortunately now people dont seem to remember the short period of time when no one was allowed in and the holding alliances kept it all for themselves, and everyone just takes it for granted they will be able to get in.
Basically Godz put in the effort to hold the town, they can do as they please with it. Maybe they Should stop people going just to shake things up a bit

If you dont like it join in the FF'ing and do something about it, but dont take the holders for saps.
As for restricting people who can taxi others, that seems fair as well.
Originally Posted by Winx.ZN
Friends Title :
250,000 donated faction. 250 Jade 250x500=125,000 gold |

Originally Posted by beleg curudin
I am from the Godz alliance, and officer infact. the deep being closed is a lie. The reason it is hard to find a taxi is because only people in the alliance with friend of the luxon title or higher is allowed to ferry. The reason for this is because people do tip, and it is a great waste of the faction farmers times to actually farm their butts off just to have some new recruit ferry his brains out for tips, which eventually makes people tip very little, this makes those people that have earned the tip's faction farming in vain.
So in summary, no the deep is not closed, we are just preserving the dedicated faction farmers right to get tips. |
Originally Posted by Winx.ZN
Friends Title :
250,000 donated faction. 250 Jade 250x500=125,000 gold (those which are allowed to ferry have at least given away that much) Current "cost" of cavalon. 30,767,233 10% Degen per day. 3,076,723. 3,076x500=1,538,000 gold per day. That is the cost to hold cavalon per day for the Godz alliance. |
beleg curudin
Originally Posted by Winx.ZN
Friends Title :
250,000 donated faction. 250 Jade 250x500=125,000 gold (those which are allowed to ferry have at least given away that much) Current "cost" of cavalon. 30,767,233 10% Degen per day. 3,076,723. 3,076x500=1,538,000 gold per day. That is the cost to hold cavalon per day for the Godz alliance. That they even ferry you there should be good enough for you. The fact its called a "tip" and not a "fee" should make you grateful. Only allowing members of the Godz alliance with a vested interest of time and indirect minimum monetary donation of 125,000 gold to ferry seems not only fair, but right. Just thought I would throw that out there. Leechers suck. |
Could you imagine what the cost of jade would be if for 1 day the entire alliance turned all that into jade and gave it to the traders.
Not a problem for me, since I have toons in both elite missions, I ferry myself when I need to get too one of them or when a guildie needs to get to them.
I will say this, during the free/open elite mission weekend everyone should have taken their toons to both elite missions, so you would have them open, then anyone with a toon there would be able to ferry you.
Oh well I don't care who owns the cities, my only problem with it right now, is the lack of people in them because of this control.
I will say this, during the free/open elite mission weekend everyone should have taken their toons to both elite missions, so you would have them open, then anyone with a toon there would be able to ferry you.
Oh well I don't care who owns the cities, my only problem with it right now, is the lack of people in them because of this control.
I know I've said this before, and I'll say it again here. I'm getting sick of all the inane little restrictions put on everything. I'm tired of having parts of the game I've paid for being locked by people I don't know and don't care about. I don't care who has farmed faction and I never will. I don't care if some dude in Seoul is doing well, but for some inexplicable reason, if he is, I can't go to the PvE areas I want. I'm tired of the Kurzicks merchants won't deal with you if you have Luxon faction. It gets annoying to have to map back to sell off all my crap items to a merchant. Isn't him offering me 35g for Victo's axe insult enough?
The people who are inconvenienced by these things will outnumber thoes that benifit from them. And from a marketing standpoint, thats a very unappealing part of your game.
The people who are inconvenienced by these things will outnumber thoes that benifit from them. And from a marketing standpoint, thats a very unappealing part of your game.
Originally Posted by Clone
The people who are inconvenienced by these things will outnumber thoes that benifit from them. And from a marketing standpoint, thats a very unappealing part of your game.
If you want something, you need to work hard to get it, either join the alliance or take over the town.
Originally Posted by Silver_Fang
No its not, it only unappealing to the lazy crowd, you either unite and control the town by FFing or wait until the Faction Farmer from the alliance want to ferry people.
If you want something, you need to work hard to get it, either join the alliance or take over the town. |
gabrial heart
Well, he's my take on it, since we owned cav for quite some time early on.
If you don't enjoy doing all those things that earn faction for town ownership don't do it! This is a game and being such should NOT be a grind, if thats your mentality then you prolly shouldn't play. People don't work or go to school all day just to come home to grind away at faction farming, if they do they are, well, just dumb. If you don't enjoy "playing" a game and it becomes laborious, then it might be time you stopped!
Limiting openess of the elite missions doesn't bode well for any alliance and has completely destroyed most of the bigger alliances. Those that "keep" those mission for themselves for profit or leet-ness are in the minority. Best to leave it up to individual players as to their reasons to ferry or not.
If you don't enjoy doing all those things that earn faction for town ownership don't do it! This is a game and being such should NOT be a grind, if thats your mentality then you prolly shouldn't play. People don't work or go to school all day just to come home to grind away at faction farming, if they do they are, well, just dumb. If you don't enjoy "playing" a game and it becomes laborious, then it might be time you stopped!
Limiting openess of the elite missions doesn't bode well for any alliance and has completely destroyed most of the bigger alliances. Those that "keep" those mission for themselves for profit or leet-ness are in the minority. Best to leave it up to individual players as to their reasons to ferry or not.
I see. So they are doing taxis. But just preventing leaching guild members from trying to get gold. Makes sense. So basically you just have to wait till you are lucky enough to come across a taxi.
Count to Potato
Good thing my ele has been camped their since the Weekend Event
Just to clear up a minor misconception: The tips are extremely low and are not worthwhile to spend time just to obtain them.
When Komalis Protector first took Houze zu Heltzer and were the first Kurzick Alliance to reliably ferry, the tips were bountiful. Usually 1k each from 3-4 people in the group.
However, a few months later (June-July), people began taking ferrying for granted. Only 1-2 people in the group would pay a paultry 500g. It was at that time I began refusing tips.
It would be more productive to go into UW/FoW than to ferry for money.
Limiting ferrying due to the potential of money seems ridicolous. People will be much happier if it's constant.
When Komalis Protector first took Houze zu Heltzer and were the first Kurzick Alliance to reliably ferry, the tips were bountiful. Usually 1k each from 3-4 people in the group.
However, a few months later (June-July), people began taking ferrying for granted. Only 1-2 people in the group would pay a paultry 500g. It was at that time I began refusing tips.
It would be more productive to go into UW/FoW than to ferry for money.
Limiting ferrying due to the potential of money seems ridicolous. People will be much happier if it's constant.
I pwnd U
What about people trying to get the green items. They may not have the money to buy them. Say they ahve Friends of Kruzicks and they want to get the green but you guys wont ferry them in because they arent friends of luxons. They have faction farmed so dont you think they should be let in as well? And what about people that are close to getting the title but are a couple faction off because they used it on their armor? Is that fair?
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
I had never seen anyone put this to a monetary analysis. Very eye opening. Divide that by the number of members in the alliance and I bet that it's a tidy sum per day per member.
- let's assume the alliance is full with 10 guilds
- and that there is an average of 50+ active members per guild (all faction farmers obviously)
We get a total of about 3k per member and per day which takes about 10 min to gather (or a few AB games for PvP players). If your alliance is large and composed of enough active players, the commitment per player doesn't look exceptional. And since people tend to join guilds composed of like-minded players, most hardcore farmers are in a large active and rich alliance.
The Elite missions were created for rich or hardcore players, not for the average or casual player. It may seem frustrating for the latter, but the free access to these places is simply contrary to the original design.
Originally Posted by I pwnd U
What about people trying to get the green items. They may not have the money to buy them. Say they ahve Friends of Kruzicks and they want to get the green but you guys wont ferry them in because they arent friends of luxons. They have faction farmed so dont you think they should be let in as well? And what about people that are close to getting the title but are a couple faction off because they used it on their armor? Is that fair?
Omega X
Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
The Elite missions were created for rich or hardcore players, not for the average or casual player. It may seem frustrating for the latter, but the free access to these places is simply contrary to the original design.
Originally Posted by Pkest
(Originally Posted by Reza
if this thing is true, really i think anet has to do something about it! they cant let some crazy idiots close part of the game and dont let others to go there!) That's the whole point of 'Elite' missions and controlling those towns. If the controlling guild wants to ferry they can or they can shut it up tight. Or they could charge a huge sum for access. Anet's not going to 'do something about it' because they're the ones who set it up that way in the first place. Don't like it? You can always buy the town. |
horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible
Originally Posted by beleg curudin
I am from the Godz alliance, and officer infact. the deep being closed is a lie. The reason it is hard to find a taxi is because only people in the alliance with friend of the luxon title or higher is allowed to ferry. The reason for this is because people do tip, and it is a great waste of the faction farmers times to actually farm their butts off just to have some new recruit ferry his brains out for tips, which eventually makes people tip very little, this makes those people that have earned the tip's faction farming in vain.
So in summary, no the deep is not closed, we are just preserving the dedicated faction farmers right to get tips. |
Sir Mad
- 1,538,000 gold per day. - let's assume the alliance is full with 10 guilds - and that there is an average of 50+ active members per guild (all faction farmers obviously) We get a total of about 3k per member and per day which takes about 10 min to gather (or a few AB games for PvP players). If your alliance is large and composed of enough active players, the commitment per player doesn't look exceptional. And since people tend to join guilds composed of like-minded players, most hardcore farmers are in a large active and rich alliance. The Elite missions were created for rich or hardcore players, not for the average or casual player. It may seem frustrating for the latter, but the free access to these places is simply contrary to the original design. |
On a side-note most hardcore factions farmers I know are now either in small unknown guilds or no longer play the game, sick of factions farming.
Y.T., yes I do agree - you can't force someone to ferry people. Nevertheless, I find the "you need to have an alliance with more than 25M factions and farm 2.5M factions a day to sustain the decay" requirement to go to the deep stupid. Especially in game where skill > time.
Originally Posted by Mrscoombes
Alliances controlling the major cities do not have to allow other people into the elite missions, it is just popular beleif that it is a duty of these alliances. If you pay attention to gaurds by the gate of the mission, they make it very clear indeed that 'So and so controls this town, so you better scram' or something close to that.
Realy,just shut up..this topic is pointless,they worked for it,its theirs,they dont HAVE to ferry you anywhere,simple logic,understand simple logic?
Some people here seem to have wrong ideas about Godz, We DO NOT have any internal problems with ferrying. No one in our alliance complains about the rules and many people do ferry FOR FREE. It is an alliance rule that people agree to follow to cut down on leachers, and it works.
Our guild ENJOYS alliance battles, we dont hold cavalon just so we can get tips form people. We do it because we like setting a high goal with faction and getting it. We just pasted the 7 million mark for our guild alone and had a naked, booze party in cavalons restricted area. I as well as the leader and most officers have over a million gold and could care less about tips or trading for jade.
On a side note, if you dont want to tip DONT, the rule is tips welcome because some people want a little extra cash. The deep will NEVER be charge only to get in. And if you see someone doing that, take a screen shot and send to me and they will be black listed from the alliance.
Our guild ENJOYS alliance battles, we dont hold cavalon just so we can get tips form people. We do it because we like setting a high goal with faction and getting it. We just pasted the 7 million mark for our guild alone and had a naked, booze party in cavalons restricted area. I as well as the leader and most officers have over a million gold and could care less about tips or trading for jade.
On a side note, if you dont want to tip DONT, the rule is tips welcome because some people want a little extra cash. The deep will NEVER be charge only to get in. And if you see someone doing that, take a screen shot and send to me and they will be black listed from the alliance.
Originally Posted by Hippie Bane
What did I receive in return? Admiration and thanks. People trusted us to not be idiots, after all, we were doing something noble for the greater good. People were talking about how great and selfless we all were. This is far better than gold or crafting materials or whatever else people tip in. If you want to be richer and soon forgotten, hint around for tips. If you want to be loved, refuse them.

i'm sure you'll be remembered on GW (and probably... the internets too!) for all time.
personally i think people privately to themselves "thanks sucker", more than feeling admiration or anything else. of course they'll give ear candy to the holding alliance, wouldn't want them to stop ferrying would they?
Originally Posted by beleg curudin
I am from the Godz alliance, and officer infact. the deep being closed is a lie. The reason it is hard to find a taxi is because only people in the alliance with friend of the luxon title or higher is allowed to ferry. The reason for this is because people do tip, and it is a great waste of the faction farmers times to actually farm their butts off just to have some new recruit ferry his brains out for tips, which eventually makes people tip very little, this makes those people that have earned the tip's faction farming in vain.
So in summary, no the deep is not closed, we are just preserving the dedicated faction farmers right to get tips. |
LoKi Foxfire
Keep it closed. It's what Bkbd/ROAR also wanted in the first place. :]
I agree with you on this one a lot! I got up to Ally and kept going a little further until I realized that this title takes entirely too much time to max out and the game really isn't that fun over the long term. My guild leader got all the way to Steward, but I doubt I'll get there soon as there's not much to do outside of the same old HA/AB/GvG.
This game is no longer about who has more skill but instead about who has more free time. Thanks for going back on one of your core gameplay promises A-net!
Originally Posted by Sir Mad
On a side-note most hardcore factions farmers I know are now either in small unknown guilds or no longer play the game, sick of factions farming.
This game is no longer about who has more skill but instead about who has more free time. Thanks for going back on one of your core gameplay promises A-net!
Alliance disputes, guild disputes, and become flamebait. Closed.