I can't seem to find a website confirming that the range of the Platinum Longbow is 1.6.
Can anyone confirm this for me?
Platinum Longbow - Is the maximum range 1.6?
According to this page (http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Platinum_Longbow), platinum longbows are the same class as a normal longbow. Hence, 1.6 should be correct, according to this page (http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Bow)
Former Ruling
Plat Longbows.....All Longbows are at the same 1.6 times the aggro bubble >_>
What information are you going off of that would lead you to beleive anything otherwise?
What information are you going off of that would lead you to beleive anything otherwise?
I would have assumed as much. But the page at guildwiki pertaining to the platinum bow does not list the range. It does list the range for various other bows featured there.